Friday, June 26, 2020

Regular exercise is very important for good health || Health talk with urban sunset


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--- Hello Friends, Happy Friday to you all. Today I enjoyed the sunset scene again quite a few days later. So, as I watch this sunset today I want to say something about good health.


It is said and everyone believes that health is wealth. So, if you do not maintain good health, your wealth is valueless. According to American Heart Association, you should perform at least 10,000 steps every day to keep your heart healthy. It it not so difficult to maintain 10K steps regularly. Just, you have to maintain few rules. In the morning, you can do half an hour morning walk. It will give you the energy for the whole day. Morning walk will give you almost 4K steps. In the evening you can do some free hand exercise. Along with whole day walking and exercise, it will give you 10K steps altogether. If you can maintain this habit regularly, your heart will be nice and healthy. However, let’s enjoy the urban sunset. Thanks. --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

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