Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Want Some Post Inspiration?

##### Stuck for writing content? We've come up with this awesome table that outlines some tag prompts for you to get busy with!!! All our delegators get auto rewarded for #naturalmedicine content (so long as it's 500 words or over and original). We love to upvote, reblog and twitter share great content too, so be sure to get busy writing some natural health content for the amazing HIVE blockchain!!!! ##### We chose tags that connect to others of like-minded interests on the HIVE Blockchain, to help you connect, grow and engage. Don't forget the bigger internet friendly tags too - they are super important for drawing people to HIVE! Here's two links for wellness and health tags on places like [instagram](https://wellnessstockshop.com/top-30-hashtags-wellness-bloggers/) and [tiktok](https://top-hashtags.com/hashtag/wellness/) (never heard of them) - BE INSPIRED. Of course, we all know the best tag, don't we? Yeah, that's right - #naturalmedicine!


|WEEKDAY|TAGSPIRATION|IDEAS| |-|-|-| MONDAY|#fruitsandveggiesmonday|Enter lenasveganliving challenge, writing a recipe for vegan food. Use the foodies tag for possibility of extra rewards. Alternatively, write *any* healthy food recipes, diet related content such as keto, no sugar and so on. | . |#mindfulmonday|Write content for mindfullife - anything to do with meditation and mindfulness.| TUESDAY|#touchtuesday|Natural medicine that's about touch - hugs, reiki, massage, acupressure, tantra, sexual intimacy etc| WEDNESDAY|#weedwednesday|A plant themed day, from cannabis to herbs.| .|#wokewednesday|Nootropics, Mind Medicine, Brain function, New paradigm thinking about health & healing | .|#worldwednesday|Share your earth related content, from gardening and permaculture to ideas to heal the earth through various environmental practices| THURSDAY|#therapythursday|Introduce your therapy practice to Hive; ethics in therapy; talk about a new therapy you're trying for an old injury; review a therapy or therapist you've never experienced before. .|#thankfulthursday|Gratitude as natural medicine; thanks for healings received; stories about being healed, being thanked, and thanking others. How gratitude helps us heal.| FRIDAY|#foodasmedicine|Your best healing recipes and food-based therapies| SATURDAY|#soundssaturday|Music therapy, from gong baths to nada yoga, mantra and ceremonial sounds. Alternatively use the #musicmonday tag| .|#storysaturday|Share your personal stories - was your grandmother a healer? What ancestral stories of natural healing can you remember? what healing journeys have you worked through or are working through?| SUNDAY|#sacredsunday|Belief as part of healing - from placebo studies to faith-based healing; prayer as healing; directed visualization; yoga as a sacred practice; healing ceremonies; cultivating the sacred into daily healing or care; you might even talk about blind faith in Big Pharma; There are, additionally, some well-curated tags being hosted and promoted by OTHER communities across Hive. When you post your content in the natural medicine community but use THEIR tag as the first one, you WILL increase your curation chances. EG: #wednesdaywalk - post about walking meditation practice or your walk to thee natural health store or you walk to collect herbs for your next brew; #musicmonday - make a video about healing songs, perform a healing mantra #3speak - make a video of an original guided meditation, or a chair yoga practice; post on 3speak and use #naturalmedicine as your first tag; #earthdeeds - you can use this post to share about all kinds of things related to the healing and support of Mother Earth. Natural medicine curates #EarthHealing every Thursday - content which is about contributiing to the healing of Mother Earth; #beersaturday - post about your healing, herbal homebrew; #caturday - post about natural healing for pets (particularly cats) #art - use this tag when you post about art therapy, drawing mandalas etc; #tarottuesday - if you read the tarot, THIS is the day and tag to use to get noticed on Hive; There is also a Hive-wide ongoing Colour Challenge - theme your post about the healing vibration of a colour (eg purple) and use the tags #colorchallenge and #purple #violet. Themed around chakra healing, this can be really creative and fun too. #### This post was written by @artemislives and @riverflows. If you've got other tags to add, we'd love to hear them - comment below and we'll edit the post!


Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content

**If you would like to earn rewards for sharing your natural health content on www.naturalmedicine.io, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing welcome@naturalmedicine.io. Read more about us on our [Welcome Page](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/welcome). We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.**
https://files.steempeak.com/file/steempeak/riverflows/XfLEtKUi-image.png #### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here](https://discord.gg/USCMjR2) !


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@lotusshares/want-some-post-inspiration

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