Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Simple Understanding on Panic Attack,1)/anxiety-attacks-versus-panic-attacks-2584396_1600x900_final-19f5432d03a141bdbb2fc9b4b923c872.gif

A Simple Understanding on Panic Attack

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A panic attack is a sudden increase in intense anxiety or discomfort that peaks in minutes and during which various psychological and physical symptoms appear. These symptoms include sweating, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, chills, headache, tremors, hot flashes and drowsiness, nausea, chest pain, tingling, and abdominal pain, On the other hand, panic disorder is a diagnosis made on people who repeatedly experience unexpected panic attacks. The term repeated refers to the fact that the individual has had more than one unexpected panic attack. In contrast, expected panic attacks occur when there is an obvious indication or trigger, a certain phobia, or a generalized anxiety disorder.

Causes of Panic Attack

A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions, although there is usually no real danger or obvious cause. It can be very scary. It is important to determine the causes of panic attacks in order to treat the fears. Panic attack causes often arise in connection with stressful situations. The causes of panic attacks mostly take place in the human psyche and are not a real life-threatening situation. However, they significantly affect the quality of life.
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What Are The Symptoms

Panic attack and panic disorder are common to adolescents and young adults. Experiencing panic attacks, or if you are afraid of another panic attack, its an indication of a panic disorder. It create intense anxiety that starts suddenly, often without warning.

Common Symptoms:

* Dizziness and nausea * Palpitations and very fast pulse * Heart bites * Feeling of suffocation * Chest pain * Drowsiness * Sweating or chills * Shortness of breath * Uncontrolled tremors * Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet * Changes in mental state, including a feeling of derailment or depersonalization The symptoms of a panic attack often do not appear for any clear reason. The symptoms are not proportionate to the potential danger of the environment. Because these attacks cannot be predicted, they can severely affect your mental and physical condition. A normal panic attack usually lasts between ten and twenty minutes. Then the symptoms subside. In severe cases, panic attacks can last longer than an hour. It always depends on the respective situation and the constitution of the person.

Digging Deeper

Panic attacks can be inherited through the genes. A genetic predisposition causes panic attacks causes. The person is more vulnerable than another. Given the complexity of a person, however, a premature conclusion in the direction of inheritance would usually be too short. There are many other possible causes. In many cases, people develop panic attacks in their childhood. Our childhood experiences are the basis for our future and our personality. Traumatic negative experiences can significantly affect our psychological development. Children then no longer perceive the world as their safe place but develop fear. There are many causes of panic attacks in this case. Maybe there was an early death in the family, a serious illness, or another serious problem like alcoholism or divorce. Maybe your own parents were very scared themselves. The child may have learned to spend too much time and effort taking care of others, trying too hard to please others, and feeling responsible for the happiness of others. There are many possible panic attacks that cause childhood traumatic experiences.
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The occurrence of Panic Attack

The most common panic attacks occur between the ages of 20 and 30. During this time, man is in a crucial development phase for his later life. During this time, he/she completes an apprenticeship, a degree, gets to know the partner, and generally makes very important decisions for his or her own life. During this time we are subject to extreme stress. As we know, stress is one of the biggest causes of panic attacks. Stress arises from bad and negative events, such as the belief that you are caught in the wrong job. Maybe you are unhappy in the relationship or you have lost someone close to you. In many cases, however, there are several events and many changes that can lead to panic attacks. The person is then no longer able to solve all problems. She is dissatisfied with the overall situation and at some point, he/she reaches a point where it cannot go on.

How to help ourselves with a panic attack?

No matter how weak or uncontrolled you feel during your panic attacks, it is important to know that there are many ways to help yourself. The following self-help techniques can make a big contribution to overcoming panic attack:

Learn relaxation techniques

With relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation, you can better control your body. These relaxation practices not only promote relaxation, but also a feeling of joy and equanimity. If you have trouble meditating, check out our meditation assistants. We recommend Muse 2 for German speakers and Brainlink Pro for English speakers. With both devices, you learn through guided meditation and direct feedback of your brain waves. It is therefore much easier to link reality with emotions.

Get to grips with the topic

Knowing more about panic can help alleviate your attacks. Find out about anxiety, panic attacks. You will learn that the sensations and feelings you have when you panic are normal and that you will not go crazy.

Check Breathing

Hyperventilation causes many sensations (such as drowsiness and chest tightness) that occur during a panic attack. Deep breathing helps a lot in relieving the symptoms of panic. By learning to control your breathing, you can calm down when you feel anxious.

Enough sleep

Insufficient sleep can make panic attacks worse. Depending on your needs, you should sleep seven to nine hours a night. Lie on your back or left side for restful and healthy sleep. Find out about healthy sleeping habits. You will be surprised by the results of small changes.

Open up to family and friends

Anxiety symptoms can worsen if you feel isolated. It is extremely important that you talk to your family and friends about your panic attacks. If you're depressed, you have to have someone to talk to.

Avoid smoking, alcohol, and caffeine

Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol can trigger or worsen a panic attack in susceptible people. In addition, all three substances are very unhealthy for the body. Also, be careful with medications that contain stimulants, such as diet pills and non-sleepy cold medicines.

Exercise regularly

Exercise promotes blood circulation, is healthy, and increases your self-esteem. Rhythmic aerobic exercise that involves moving both arms and legs (e.g., walking, running, swimming, or dancing) can be particularly effective.
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Possible Treatment

The most effective form of professional treatment for combating panic attacks and panic disorders is therapy. The cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on the thinking patterns and behaviors that maintain your panic attacks or trigger and helps you to look more realistic about your fears. The exposure therapy for panic disorder allows you to experience the physical sensations of panic in a safe and controlled environment, giving you the opportunity to learn healthier coping methods. Various exercises cause sensations that resemble the symptoms of a panic attack. With each exposure, you are less afraid of these inner physical sensations and have a better sense of control over your panic.
Originally posted here:

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