Thursday, June 18, 2020

Four natural foods for healthy heart
According to health experts, red foods are very powerful as they contain vitamins and antioxidants which give strength to our heart. Below are 04 powerful food which we should include in our diet for healthy heart:


[source]( ## Apple Apple contains pectin which reduces fat in our body. Its soluble fibre decreases the cholesterol level. Thus the risks of heart attack and paralysis are reduced. Consuming 25g of apple every day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. ## Beet Beet contains nitrate. Therefore, it is useful for those people who have high blood pressure. Nitrate controls blood pressure and cholesterol and keeps balance in them because both of these things are main cause of heart attack. The persons who have high blood pressure should take one glass of beet juice everyday. ## Raspberry Raspberry is full of manganese which reduces irritation in arteries. Due to this irritation, it is common to suffer chest pain and heart attack. Therefore many health experts are suggesting raspberry to heart patients. ## Tomato Tomato contains lycopene which is around 42ppm to 365ppm. Lycopene controls blood pressure and cholesterol. It also lowers the risk of stroke and keeps the blood from clotting. ###### Have a safe and healthy day!
Originally posted here:

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