Saturday, June 6, 2020

An Accidental Bi-Weekly Weigh-in.
So much happening lately, I forgot about my weekly weight post. Two weekends ago was memorial day weekend. I weighed myself that Saturday and weighed 286.8. Being a holiday weekend I planned on cheating all weekend. I drank beer, and goodies, and had my fair share of hot dogs loaded with chili,onion, and mustard, as well as a couple burgers and some sausages. I basically barbecued from Saturday till Memorial Day Monday. With that said, my goal for last week was simply not to gain any more weight. Tuesday after the holiday weekend I started dieting again, got right back on salads, and clean eating and when I weighed myself this Sunday I was happy to hit my goal. I weighed 287.1 pounds gaining a whopping 0.3 pounds! I was really happy about that. So this week I’m back on dieting and shooting to drop a few more pounds by Sunday weigh-in. This whole cheating thing is why I wanted to do a clean food diet instead of Keto. Keto was great but it seemed like when I cheated I really packed the weight back on quickly, and it took forever to get the weight back off. After a cheat day on keto, it could take two weeks to fix the damage of a cheat day. IDK if I was doing something wrong, but that was my experience, and I couldn’t drink ANY alcohol. Sorry man, The Dood’s not going through the summer without a drink. This week I thought I’d talk a little about clean eating. Clean eating is simply eating clean or simply not eating crappy food. It’s a balanced diet of grain, fruit, vegetable and healthy meats. I’m currently eating a lot of salads. I snack on berries and fruits. I often eat raisins. Breakfasts consist of oat meal, or a whole grain cereal, or maybe a couple poached eggs. Lunches might consist of fruits and vegetables or maybe a tuna sandwich on a good whole grain bread. Dinner usually consists of really large salads, with maybe a little meat mixed in. I still eat the occasional rice or potato. I still have the occasional pat of butter. I have cut out most of the refined sugars. If I have a cup of tea, I’ll sweeten with honey. One of the things I’ve noticed with eating clean is that you don’t pack on the weight on your cheat days. From what I’ve read, this is because your body is still used to ingesting carbohydrates, and some form of sugars. When you cheat your body still knows how to process these foods. When you do a high fat, or a high protein diet, sometimes your body may forget how to process carbohydrate foods. This doesn’t happen when you maintain a balanced diet. Granted, I’m not a dietitian, this is just my experience and what works for me. Along with eating healthy I’m running 1 to 2 miles everyday on the treadmill, and I’m happy to report I’m back to working out with light weights after finally recovering from a screwed up shoulder. I’m using really light weights, so I don’t tear the muscle again. The pain is gone now though, and I do everything but push-ups which is what I believe originally caused the slap tear in my shoulder. So I wrote this Monday, but with protests, rioting and everything else that is going on around me, I kept forgetting to post this. It's now Saturday morning and I figured I'd just do my weekly weigh-in this morning and kill two birds with one stone. My goal for the week was to just get into the low 280's and I hit it. Kind of cheating without posting a goal post beforehand. So my current weight is 284 pounds, another 3 pounds lost. That's 17 pounds lost in total. With that said, my goal for next week is to get anywhere in the 270's. I may do some intermittent fasting next week. Possibly a juice fast for a couple days towards the end of the week. I'll let you know what I decided in my my next weigh-in post. Till next weigh-in… Cheers!
Originally posted here:

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