Saturday, June 6, 2020

How Do We Heal The Effects of Violence? Win HIVE & Engage with Our Community


In America, buildings are burning in the aftermath of yet another police killing. In Australia, a mining company explodes the earth which homes the ancestry of the indigenous people who have lived their for 40,000 years. On Hive, a girl tells her story of being raped at 14 years old. Whether the story of violence is against a people, a community, a child or the earth, the ripples spread outward and the effects are felt throughout lifetimes. Sometimes, it is easy to find one person to blame, an overarching evil that should be destroyed. Most often, it is more complex than that - there is a matrices of *reasons* violence occurs, and to spend time unravelling it pulls us into dark territory too. # *This challenge, however, asks us not how we 'fix' or who to 'blame' but how to heal.* What do we do in these times? How do we overcome such trauma personally and/or collectively? What strategies can we use to heal our wounded hearts and minds? #### You might like to focus on one particular violence - for example, deforestation or cultural oppression or a personal story of sexual assault or even how words might inflict violence - and unravel what steps you have taken to heal, or what you believe can be done to overcome such violence. You don't *have* to get personal if this is hard for you - general approaches to hypothetical situations is just as valid as pulling apart a personal history. You don't have to write about personal experiences if you'd prefer to focus on collective ones. You might choose to downplay the 'violence' aspect or redefine it as 'trauma' as the two are inextricably linked. #### As usual, we love you to focus on YOUR angle and YOUR approach, using the prompt as a starting off point for your own exploration. ## Contest Guidelines - Please mention this post in your answer somewhere, so that others might find their way to the challenge too. - Burn 100 LOTUS. This can be done in your PEAKD wallet by sending 100 LOTUS to @null. Put a screenshot of the burn as a comment on your post. - Post in the Natural Medicine community or use the #naturalmedicine tag. - Go comment on some other #naturalmedicine posts ## Rewards - Reblog by @uplotus and @naturalmedicine - Upvotes by @naturalmedicine and supporting accounts - Great posts put forward to OCD curationa and The HIVE (C-squared) - Tips for excellent content - Winning post recieves 20 HIVE with two runners up of 10 HIVE and 5 HIVE respectively. **We hope that by engaging with the community and writing great content, you'll help grow your audience too - and learn a lot on the way!**


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**If you would like to earn rewards for sharing your natural health content on, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing Read more about us on our [Welcome Page]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.** #### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here]( !


Originally posted here:

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