Saturday, February 13, 2021

The David's Actifit Adventures: Stop Drinking Water??? 😫
*ENG Text*
Hello Friends!
I would like to share with you my daily report. These are my Yesterday Daily activities.
In the morning I went to the industrial zone. I packed and unpacked some material, and applied a heat-sealable image. Some Friends came to greet us. After lunch I returned there finishing the work activities. I biked back home, trained my self with some simple exercises and had a shower. Bad news on the local online newspaper: the local healthy Company found some Microbiological disorder in one of the water distribution reservoirs. Better not drinking public water in the affected areas for the next few days. I had dinner and watched a part of an old TV serie before falling asleep.
Goodnight and see you tomorrow friends!
*I have to admit that a few times the sources change the counts, due to diagnosis or notification errors. The last 3 November the Government presented new measures against the diffusion of the Sars-Cov2. They divided our country in some color zones based on the Gravity of the situation. Every zone has different measures and the situation is monitored constantly for the next months. The diffusion trend remain stable about in the last days. The effect of the measures taken during the Christmas Time finished. We'll see what will happen in the next weeks. Below, the count of the last day, published by the Italian Ministry of Health.*
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**February 13, 2021**
New Cases: 13532
Increasing in the Swabs carried out number: 290534
Total cases now: 2710819
The deaths: 93356 (311 more than the day before)

*ITA Text*
Ciao Amici!
Mi piacerebbe condividere con voi il mio report giornaliero. Queste sono le mie attività per la giornata di ieri.
In mattinata sono andato nella zona industriale. Ho imballato e disimballato del materiale, e ho applicato un'immagine termosaldabile. In più, alcuni amici sono venuti a salutarci. Dopo pranzo sono tornato là per terminare i lavori. Ho pedalato di nuovo verso casa dove ho fatto qualche esercizio e una doccia. Brutte notizie sulle riviste online locali: l'Azienda Ospedaliera ha trovato alcune irregolarità nell'equilibrio microbiologico di uno dei serbatoi di distribuzione di acqua potabile. Meglio non bere acqua pubblica nelle zone interessate per i prossimi giorni. Dopo cena ho guardato parte di una vecchia serie tv prima di andare a nanna.
Buonanotte e ci vediamo domani amici!
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_This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io_

Cycling, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking, Yard Work

Originally posted here:

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