Tuesday, February 2, 2021

My Actifit Report Card: February 2 2021


Good evening Actifitters I hope you're having a great day and getting out and about training hard and staying fit. I wanted to expand more on my previous post around healthy mind healthy body as I think it is quite often something that is over looked. Our minds are the most important muscle in our body. Well technically it isn't a muscle it's an organ. But just like every other muscle in our body it requires exercise. Infact physical exercise is also important to our brains as it increases neurological waves with an increased burst of oxygen by running blood through our brains faster. This speeds up healing, thinking and producing endorphins. Our heart also benefits from physical exercise. But beyond physical exercise, regular rests and sleep also have positive effects on our mind. Helping us to think clearer and reduced enzymes that cause stress. Our diets also play a larger role if not the largest. Alot of emphasis is placed on training and remaining fit and healthy. However, training plays a smaller role in muscle development and remaining healthy. Our main source of growth occurs through healthy eating and consuming the right amount of calories and macro nutrients that our bodies require to build muscle and burn fat. But most of all, it is important to keep your mind active and free of stress. Not always an easy task, especially in the middle of a pandemic. But taking up things like meditation, yoga, walking, hiking can all reduce stress and keep your mind healthy. Crosswords, puzzles and my favourite, chess are great at keeping your mind sharp. Things that Challenge the way you think will fire up your brain and force it to create new cognitive pathways leading to faster thinking and better problem solving skills. All these things will provide you the added strength and determination to achieve outcomes in the gym. I once read a journal that identified that a person can build muscle and lose weight purely by looking in the mirror and doing weights without any weights. Just picturing the weight and how heavy it was. To me, that just proves how powerful our brains truly are. It is building muscle for something that isn't even there but your telling it to so it is preparing for the time you need it. Blows my mind
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@melbourneswest/actifit-melbourneswest-20210202t114806129z)_

Weight Lifting

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@melbourneswest/actifit-melbourneswest-20210202t114806129z

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