Friday, February 12, 2021

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight | Should I call my food healthy?
*I have read it somewhere that we should not level our food too early as healthy because even if we only eat nuts, fruits and veggies; there's no guarantee that we are eating healthy.* Well, this fact blew my mind because I know it's true!


> Because healthy eating depends on many things, right? Like the proportion of food, ingredients we use, time of our meal, and many more. So, it's not that easy to reach our healthy eating goal. *Healthy eating is a continuous struggle for me. Not because I have any lacking in my willingness but mostly because of our culture. We grew up eating all the unhealthy food and now our tongue and brain can't take anything healthy/normal. If you know about Indian/spicy/oily food then you better know what I'm talking about.* So what I usually do is, I eat at least one healthy meal. Because there are other family members who would not eat salad or low crab food in every meal. So I have to cook the regular food and side by side prepare my own food. I'm trying to come to a better solution though. So here are some food I'm trying to enjoy regularly so I can gain better health and yeah, lose some weight for sure!


Cooked Chickpea with cucumber, egg, and some spices.


Cooked flattened rice with salt and chili.




With fish.


Cooked Chickpea with a lot of spice and salad. > Even I'm eating salad, low carb food, oil-free meat, and fish but I'm still using vegetable oil, spices and eating other regular food like curry and rice on meals. So, I know it's all not that healthy and but I'm steeping ahead, no? It's impossible to turn my food habit upside down overnight and I also don't want that. We all know, taking one thing at a time is the best strategy so I'm forcing one meal a day and hope to make an impact through it. Let's see what I can do! **Share your honest opinion with me and suggest to me some of your great ideas about healthy eating.** Have a nice day, everyone!

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