Monday, February 1, 2021

Day 1014 | February Plans

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life....

February is here and I'm ready for it as I have been letting myself go way too much being occupied with both betting and crypto pretty much from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep neglecting my healthy eating and sleeping habits in the 2nd part on the month.

I didn't sleep much last night as I was on the internet getting to watch a podwast which led me to watch a documentary they were talking about watching that and also getting to the remainer of the podcast about it. It was worth it though.

The plan will be what it always is to fix the core being eating healthy, sleeping well, working out.

Day|Bed Time|Awake|Out Bed|Day Score -|-|-|-|- 01 Jan|23:30|07:30|08:50|7 02 Jan|23:30|09:00|09:50|7 03 Jan|00:00|08:30|09:50|8 04 Jan|00:00|09:30|10:25|6 05 Jan|00:00|08:30|10:15|7 06 Jan|00:00|08:00|08:45|7 07 Jan|00:00|07:45|08:40|6 08 Jan|01:00|08:00|09:15|7 09 Jan|00:00|07:00|08:00|6 10 Jan|00:00|08:00|09:30|7 11 Jan|00:00|09:00|10:00|7 12 Jan|01:00|09:00|10:00|7 13 Jan|00:00|08:50|09:10|6 14 Jan|00:00|07:50|08:50|7 15 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:30|5 16 Jan|01:00|09:00|10:00|6 17 Jan|00:30|08:20|09:15|6 18 Jan|00:00|08:00|09:30|7 19 Jan|00:00|09:10|10:00|6 20 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 21 Jan|01:30|09:40|10:00|7 22 Jan|00:30|07:50|08:50|7 23 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:30|6 24 Jan|00:00|08:30|09:45|4 25 Jan|01:00|08:40|10:00|6 26 Jan|01:00|09:15|10:15|5 27 Jan|00:30|08:30|09:05|6 28 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 29 Jan|01:00|10:00|11:00|6 30 Jan|01:00|08:30|09:45|6 31 Jan|01:00|10|00|11:10|5
Day|Weight|Water|Supplements|Expense -|-|-|-|- 01 Jan|68.4 kg|v|v|0€ 02 Jan|68.1 kg|v|v|0€ 03 Jan|68.0 kg|x|x|0€ 04 Jan|68.2 kg|v|x|0€ 05 Jan|68.1 kg|x|v|0€ 06 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|0€ 07 Jan|67.1 kg|v|v|0€ 08 Jan|67.4 kg|v|v|0€ 09 Jan|67.5 kg|v|x|0€ 10 Jan|67.3 kg|v|x|0€ 11 Jan|67.0 kg|v|v|0€ 12 Jan|66.8 kg|v|v|35€ 13 Jan|66.4 kg|v|x|0€ 14 Jan|66.5 kg|x|x|0€ 15 Jan|66.7 kg|v|x|5€ 16 Jan|66.7 kg|v|v|0€ 17 Jan|66.9 kg|v|x|2€ 18 Jan|66.8 kg|v|v|0€ 19 Jan|66.7 kg|v|x|4€ 20 Jan|67,0 kg|v|x|7€ 21 Jan|67,2 kg|v|x|9€ 22 Jan|67.3 kg|v|v|6€ 23 Jan|67.1 kg|v|x|4€ 24 Jan|67.5 kg|x|x|7€ 25 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|5.5€ 26 Jan|68.0 kg|x|x|7€ 27 Jan|68.0 kg|v|x|7€ 28 Jan|67.8 kg|v|x|4€ 29 Jan|68.0 kg|v|v|8€ 30 Jan|68.2 kg|x|x|8€
Originally posted here:

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