Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mental Health First- Enhancing Cognitive Capacity
We all want to be productive, creative. We all want to be better than we were the previous day. Here are some steps that can help us increase our mental performance which is what we need to become better in our daily activities.


- Be Purposeful: Before you start a task, find your why. Don’t just ask yourself what is it that you want to achieve; ask yourself why you want to get this done. When you have your purpose, keep it at the forefront of your mind. This will help motivate you to complete the task at hand. - Stop Multitasking: Attempting to multitask nullifies our concentration. Many people pride themselves at being a great multitasker when in reality, multitasking is an illusion. We may be able to do a bunch of things at the same time, but we can only truly focus on one thing at a time. When we “multitask”, all we are really doing is rapidly switching back and forth. Your brain power takes a hit with each switch. Not to mention, it takes valuable time and energy to refocus. By constantly switching tasks, you are inadvertently training your brain to have attention deficit. - Change Your Routine: "A habitual mind is a restricted mind". Those who engage in experiences that are new, challenging and exciting are more likely to retain high cognitive functioning. it is important to get out and do something that is unfamiliar and mentally challenging and that provides broad stimulation mentally and socially. Try once in a while to do something new that’s outside of your comfort zone - Exercise: Exercise has its obvious physical benefits, but a healthy body is also closely connected with a healthy mind. It has been found that cardio respiratory fitness correlates directly with improved cognitive ability specifically with better verbal memory and improved psychomotor speed. Physical activity also has positive effects on common mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. - sleep: A lot of people sacrifice plentiful sleep for hard work, but if you aren’t catching enough sleep, it could be the reason your personal or business development has slowed down. Study has confirmed that sufficient sleep “locks in” knowledge gained from learning new tasks. people don't know that even though they can choose which time to go to sleep, drowsiness can “switch off” the brain involuntarily, making much of the learning or working you do from that point onward relatively useless. Most adults require at least seven hours of sleep per night. - Diet: Food's that are rich in iron, such as meat, eggs and dark-colored vegetables may be responsible for improved concentration and a higher IQ, while whole-grain cereals and breads, which contain the vitamin B1, are thought to improve the speed of your mental processess. Antioxidants, found most in blueberries may slow the detrimental effects free radicals have on the brain. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish and nuts, may fight off depression and improve cognition over time. Don’t skip breakfast, either; the lack of food in the morning can interrupt cognitive ability and memory. Thank you!
Originally posted here:

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