Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Calming Milk Tea for Relieving a Negative Mood

Days or nights when your mood is down in negativity, due to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or current life situations that are upsetting to you, try making and sipping on a calming cup of milk tea made with fresh herbs and honey to help soothe away the negative mood your in naturally. I personally find the tea helpful with calming the mind, body and spirit when negative energies surround me. https://images.pexels.com/photos/193034/pexels-photo-193034.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500 credit ### Calming Milk Tea Ingredients The ingredients needed to make a calming milk tea are two organic chamomile tea bags, two organic peppermint tea bags, and a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers, two tablespoons of raw organic honey, four cups of fresh spring water and four cups of whole milk. However, if you are allergic to cow's milk you may use goat's milk, rice milk or soymilk instead. If you do not have access to chamomile or peppermint teabags, you may substitute these ingredients with two teaspoons each of dried chamomile flowers and freshly dried peppermint leaves. ### Making the Milk Tea The easiest was I find to make the calming milk tea is by placing the water, teabags and honey into a medium size saucepan and top of the stove burner. Then I place a lid on the pot and steep the tea for ten minutes on medium heat. This helps draw out the flavors of the chamomile and peppermint and blends the two flavors together nicely to create a calming chamomile mint flavor with a hint of sweetness. Once the that step is done, I add in the milk, sprinkle in some lavender flowers, place the lid back on, shut the burner off and allow the tea to steep as it is on the stove for another ten minutes to help draw out some of the aroma and scent of the lavender. The lavender is what makes the tea calming to the body, mind and spirit. Once the tea is ready, it has a milky golden color to it with lavender flowers floating on top and a sweet chamomile mint lavender scent and mild flavor. ### Health Benefits Received from Sipping on the Calming Milk Tea When a negative mood, needs some lifting with positive thoughts and vibes, the calming milk tea is useful because the lavender and chamomile acts as natural sedatives to ease tension and stress away naturally, and the scent from the peppermint is uplifting and a natural stress reliever. Other health benefits you can receive from drinking the tea is natural headache relief, comfort to an upset digestive system, relief from insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety attacks, and natural cold, flu and cancer prevention. Lavender, chamomile, peppermint and honey all have antibiotic, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking the tea can also help keep the bones healthy and strong due to the nutrients that come from the milk used to make the tea such as the vitamin D and A and calcium. ### The Best Times to Sip on a Cup of Calming Milk Tea The best times to sip on a cup of calming milk tea is when you are feeling anxious, panicky, depressed, sad, sick, fatigued and exhausted due to lack of sleep. However, make sure if you do sip on a cup of this tea, you have time to actually relax because it can make you drowsy and fall asleep, which is usually what is needed to improve your state of mind and physical health when you feel the conditions just mentioned. ### Precautions Those of you who are allergic to lavender, chamomile, peppermint, honey or milk should not use this milk tea to help calm and lift your current state of mind or physical condition. People with breast cancer should leave the lavender out of the milk tea because lavender has been known to enhance the growth of this type of cancer because it boosts estrogen levels. Drinking the calming milk tea will also cause drowsiness so it is best you do not drive or do any heavy physical activities. This tea is meant to calm the mind and body naturally.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@mazima/calming-milk-tea-for-relieving-a-negative-mood

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