Monday, June 1, 2020

10 Healthy Ways To Live A Happier, Better, And Longer Life
In a world where, more than 400 million people suffer from depression and mental traumas, diabetes, cancer, and other terrible diseases every year, taking time for adopting healthy measures to live a happier and better life is important. Amidst the fast-paced lifestyle of today, we are all somewhere neglecting our health to a great extent. The invitation for a plethora of deadly diseases to enter is given by our own habits. Technology has conquered the world and blue screens are everyone's addiction. Anyone hardly stops to smell the roses. The key to living a happier and fulfilling life lies in spending time in the lap of nature. We need to realize the importance of realistic pleasures over the materialistic ones. We badly need a change! Here are some healthy ways to kick-start a journey towards happier, better, and splendid destinations. #### Switch on to healthy food choices


[Source]( A balanced diet is crucial. Fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, nuts, and whole grains should be an integral part of your meal. Fast foods taste awesome but the after-effects are disastrous. Instead, turn on to healthier alternatives. Replace harmful white bread with brown bread. Similar use peanut butter in place of a regular one. Let green be new in! Anything that is green is highly nutritious. Be it a green tea or bitter gourd, both are bonzer for health. Of course, they both suck due to their taste but worth consuming. Eat more green leafy vegetables as they are loaded with health-boosting nutrients. Small changes bring big benefits over time. Nevertheless, you can satisfy your junk food cravings once a month. #### Get good hours of sleep


[Source]( Don't sacrifice necessary sleep in order to rush with the tasks. That next day's office presentation might be important but not at the cost of your health. You might be not attentive enough the next day while actually giving a presentation. All your efforts go in vain. Learn to manage time so that you allocate sufficient hours for mindful sleep. Getting 8 hours of sleep is considered a healthy habit. It keeps you away from anxiety and refreshes the mind. *Bonus tip: If you find trouble in sleeping timely at night, drink milk or chamomile tea before going to bed. Exercising in the morning can also help you fall asleep faster at night.* #### Exercise Daily


[Source]( Yoga, meditation, and other exercises are your powerful weapons to fight all negativities and receive inner peace. Filter out negative vibes. An added advantage of meditating during morning hours is the absorption of vitamin D by your bones when the brisk sunlight kisses your body. Try out aroma therapies, deep breathing, and more. They are boons for health. No expenditures, no fancy arrangements require. Just get up early morning, jump out of your beds, and spill away yourself in the essence of nature. #### Stay Hydrated


[Source]( Drinking plenty amount of water daily is essential. Water clears away all the harmful toxins from your body bestowing you a well-functioning body. For enhanced results, store water in a copper vessel overnight and drink it in the morning. This water is no less than an elixir. It will help you fight multifarious diseases and eliminate digestion related problems. #### Stay Connected


[Source]( Keep in touch with your loved ones. Thanks to the internet for making the world smaller. We are all miles apart but woven together by social media platforms. Have video calls or group conversations from time to time does no harm. Everyone is just a phone call away. Don't let your relationships die due to ballots fired by lack of time, hectic schedules, and huge geographical distances. #### Stay Away From Toxic People


[Source]( Who are toxic people? The ones who always keep pulling you down and fill up your space with negative thoughts. Einstein once said, "stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution". Surround yourselves with the ones who are optimistic, supportive, and push you to increase your limits. #### Limit Blue Screens


[Source]( This is the era where mobile phones are the Kings and humans are its slaves. How can you let that tiny device control you? The harmful blue light emitted from multiple devices causes stress, disordered sleep cycles, and irritate the eyes. Henceforth, take time off from screens. Don't let your phone control you. You can read books, brainstorm ideas for the next big project, or even have a quality talk with your family over a cup of tea. #### Keep A Diary


[Source]( Diaries are great stress busters! Writing down your thoughts on paper keeps you calm. This activity soothes the mind, regulate sleep cycles, and reduces anxiety in people. So, next time when you feel anxious about certain things or struggle to get asleep, jot down all your mind's dilemmas in your diary. Trust me, you will feel relaxed like you have escaped a tremendous storm. #### Shake Hands With Pets


[Source]( According to a study, people who keep pets are likely to suffer lesser depression than the ones who don't. This further improves longevity. Animals are loyal friends. They are even more loyal than human beings. Especially, cats and dogs are very amicable with humans. Once you hold their hands, they never betray. Our health ultimately gets a boost when we have trustworthy companions by our side. Are you ready to welcome a new four-legged family member? #### Plan A Vacation And Rekindle Your Hobbies


[Source]( Away from the hustle and bustle of the modernized cities, one can seek natural pleasures of life. Vacations are necessary for mental health and rejuvenation. You get time to revamp your lost hobbies and relive your passion. Carry your camera to capture some awesome clicks or your favorite sports kit to awaken the dormant sports person inside you. ### Final Thoughts These were 10 amazing ways to open doors for a healthier, better, and happier life. If you are able to inculcate this in your lifestyle, your quality of living gets promoted to the next level. The right time to start anything is now, today itself. The first step is always hardest to take but once you take a step forward. You realize you made one of the best decisions of your life. Start by waking 1 step, start by taking 1 bite, do 1 set of squats. You will witness the improvement with the stroke of time.
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