Sunday, February 7, 2021

Rappeh (Be Healthy!) Party Platform
# PARTY PLATFORM of "RAPEH - Be Healthy" 2021 ### MISSION 1 Health is our most important asset; this becomes obvious once it is gone. Every illness is an emotional and financial burden for the whole family. 2 The role of government is to ensure the health and well-being of all residents of the State of Israel, including pensioners, the disabled, the mentally challenged, those suffering from PTSD, parents of wounded children, and more. 3 The mission of the "RAPEH" Health Party is to cure the Ministry of Health's years of injustices that have reached their peak during 2020-2021 and are manifested by unbearable medical coercion and the violation of human rights: lockdown, social distancing, cellular location tracking, the green passport, the wearing of masks, the destruction of the economy and public deception. 4 While major parties are calling for an increase in the volume of medical services - meaning an increase in the number of beds, the number of doctors, of nurses (assuming the number of patients in Israel will increase), the RAPEH Health Party will work to improve the health of Israelis by strengthening preventive medicine, thus reducing the number of patients. ### TRANSPARENCY 5 The new Ministry of Health will introduce transparency in all its activities through disclosure of the minutes of crucial meetings, presentation of the Ministry's economic ties, and the salaries of senior executives. 6 We will act to expose all Corona Committee deliberations, which, due to someone's claims, have been kept confidential for over 30 years. ### RIGHTS OF PENSIONERS 7 Pensioners have the right to live a full and healthy life. We will act to reduce dependence on existing drugs (harming their health and pocket) while increasing the use of natural medicine. ### RIGHTS OF PATIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES 8 During each hospitalization, connection between the patient and his family will be maintained, including the transfer of all computerized data (nurses' and doctors' records) at the request of family members. Cameras will be installed in intensive care units to allow the transfer of photographic data to a relative's mobile phone in real time. 9 An extra-departmental office will be established to oversee the activities of hospitals, including psychiatric hospitals. The department will protect the rights of the hospitalized and will also handle medical malpractice lawsuits. 10 To "cleanse" the Ministry of Health of past injustices, commissions of inquiry will be established on issues such as: damages of SciVac vaccines for infants, medical experiments on humans, corrupt conduct regarding medical cannabis, and compensation to parents for children harmed by vaccines. 11 Medical cannabis is an essential drug for many patients. The dosage and price of the cannabis plant for the needy will be regulated, according to the conclusions of top researchers on the subject. ### RIGHTS OF PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN 12 The new Ministry of Health will allow parents to be full partners in decisions involving medical procedures concerning their children (treatments, surgeries and vaccinations). 13 The new Ministry of Health will never use the coercive mechanisms of welfare, police, or courts against citizens seeking to set medical care procedures for their children. 14 A total ban will be imposed on performing medical examinations and /or giving vaccines in schools and kindergartens, without the presence of one of the parents, or without the written consent of both divorced parents. ### DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT - A HEALTH-EXISTENTIAL THREAT 15 We will act to distance sources of radiation from the public, as is currently the case in schools, kindergartens, nursing homes and public places. 16 We will take a more active part in decision-making as regards the location of plants the source of pollution and a danger to public health, such as power plants and gas stations. 17 We will act to ban the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers, and encourage the development of organic agriculture. 18 We will work to improve the quality of the water which is the main part of the human body. ### IMPORTANCE OF "PREVENTIVE MEDICINE" 19 The new Ministry of Health will increase the budget of preventive medicine. 20 Awareness of preventive medicine will be raised and also promoted through weekly broadcasts via communication channels. 21 From an early age, we will promote education concerning the benefits of a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise. 22 Anyone providing a medical service will be required, as part of his studies, to take a course in preventive medicine, nutrition and nutritional supplements. ### TERMINATION OF MEDICAL MONOPOLY 23 The Ministry of Health may recommend but not force a physician's method of medical treatment. 24 The new Ministry of Health will allow stores selling natural products and pharmacies in Israel to sell all vitamins and all food supplements sold in free countries. 25 All pharmaceutical companies or companies selling vaccines wishing to deliver their products to Israel, even retroactively, will be required to pay for any damages caused consumers of the drugs or vaccines, according to the decision of an Israeli court. 26 Alternative and complementary medicine will form an integral part of official medicine in Israel. ### ENSURING THE QUALITY OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 27 The new Ministry of Health will set the threshold criteria for admission to medical studies and oversee final exams at various colleges to ensure the professional level of graduates.
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