Thursday, February 11, 2021

Meeting with Natural Stone!%20Kopyas%C4%B1%20(4).jpg

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**Hello!** I wanted to buy natural stones for a long time. As a result of my detailed research, I was finally able to buy special stones for myself. There are many fake stones on the market so I was hesitant to buy it, but after researching I found out that the stone chest site was reliable and I ordered from there. The stones I ordered arrived in a small box within two days. I just took the stones out of the package. I took the pictures and buried them in the ground to purify them.


Tuna Kamhi explains that there is a science behind the stones. Stones consist of minerals and they all have a molecular structure, when examined, it appears that their atoms are arranged in a symmetrical order. These are also called crystals. Atom means that when you break it up, electrons, neutrons and protons emerge and electrons are constantly spinning. Although they look static from the outside, there is a movement within them. This movement is found in everything in the universe. When energy concentrates in the three-dimensional material world, it becomes material, it becomes mass. Therefore, these have electromagnetic fields, which we call aura. Whether you believe it or not, when you put the stone on your table as a mass, the stone emits energy. Quantum Physics says that when we descend into the subatomic world, the reality there is very different from our reality, that we are not individual entities, everything is interconnected and interacted. The quantum field is the area where energy exists but is not visible to the eye. We penetrate this area and communicate with stones. Hologram Theory, on the other hand, shows that we are all the same in essence, that we are partners, that everything comes from the same source, that even the smallest piece carries the information of the whole, and that all information can be used anytime and anywhere. **HOW ARE THE STONES USED?** You can take your stone in mass form and place it in your home or workplace, you can carry it on you as a jewelry or throw it in your bag. The stone does not have to touch your skin, but it should be at least 10 grams. Whatever you use the stone for, you make an intention and this is called programming. Tuna Kamhi says that stones have memories and that intention is loaded into this memory. The energy of the mind is very important, the energy of the stone increases the energy of intention.

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**PROGRAMMING & CLEANING** Clean your stone by washing it with clean water. Dry with a clean towel. Bring it to heart level by taking it to the left and make a code by stating your intent aloud. Make sure to use positive sentences when expressing the intention. If someone else touches your stone, his energy passes to you in a negative sense. This should not be considered as negativity of that person. If a person has anger, sadness, fear, it can be transferred to the stone unintentionally. You can wash it when it gets dirty, you do not need to say the intention again. "You can put it in a bowl on a balcony or on a window sill. Dolunay is both purifying and charging the stone." Tuna Kamhi says she recommends crystal quartz for general health because this group is a true healing stone and adds: “Crystal quartz contains all the colors of the rainbow. We use stones for the chakras to regulate the energy flow in the seven chakras, our energy centers in the body. Using crystal quartz alone is sufficient to regulate the seven chakras. It also protects from radiation. ”Smoky quartz is recommended in cancer cases. This stone is used both as therapies and by putting it under the pillow after programming the stone. The stone stays on the pillow for 21 days, when the bed sheet is changed, it is put into place and the person sleeps with his energy. Every evening, when he goes to bed, he makes affirmations in the form of "health, health, health". When the aura of the stone comes together with your aura, your immune system gets stronger and it becomes easier for you to overcome the diseases. In addition, each cancer type has its own stone, and its strength increases when combined with smoky quartz. **How does the energy of the stones work?** Indicating that intention and purpose are very important in energy studies, Kamhi said, “Intention is the language that enables communication with the universe. We penetrate the universe through this language and use the laws of the universe, the most fundamental of which is the law of attraction. Thanks to the law of resonance, which is the sub-law of the law of attraction, we harmonize with the energy of the stones and create synergy together. In other words, when my intention energy and stone energy come together, we rise to the level of the "macrocosm" and whatever our intention is; success, health, abundance, abundance, love, love, we declare these to the universe and we expect it to happen. In fact, our intention that fulfills all our desires and healing; The energy of stone that strengthens the energy of our intention… ”There are 4-5 thousand types of stones in nature and researches continue. Kamhi store focuses mostly on the quartz group because it contains silicon and oxygen. Since the nest of the brain and the nervous system in the human body are made of silicon, the human best resonates with this stone. **PROGRAMMING SUGGESTION** > "My Almighty Lord. I intend to live here and now in a healthy, peaceful, harmonious and balanced, in love. For this purpose, with your permission, for the sake of me and all, I demand energy from my crystal quotes. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." > “My Almighty Lord, I intend to live in a healthy, abundant abundance, wealth and prosperity here and now. For this purpose, by your permission, I demand energy from my citrine for the sake of me and the whole. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. " **I chose all my stones according to my wishes and needs.**

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**Citrine;** Citrine is a stone believed to be successful. Citrine, like Amethyst, can be used to block unwanted energies in an environment. It is the stone of abundance, abundance and luck. In ancient times, it was named as a merchant stone. **Rhodonite;** It frees the person from attachment to the past and from longing and obsessions for the past. You should use this stone when you get stuck in the past and move away from the current life. It is used in the treatment of depression. It increases the capacity of heart vibrations in terms of love and affection. **Rose Quartz;** It provides inner peace and harmony.It is good for depression. It allows the person to value himself and gives a sense of self-confidence. It destroys the negative energy around you and collects and accumulates positive energy. It is emotional stabilizer. It stimulates the brain functions. It protects the person from negative energy in the environment when carried under clothing by touching the skin. If you are in an environment with positive people, wear your stone visibly. Thus, it collects the positive energy of the people around you.

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**Tourmaline Rutile Quartz;** It is also known as Angel Hair Quartz or Golden Rutile Quartz because of rutile threads, ie fine rutile crystals. Rutile Quartz is also known as Angel Hair Quartz or Golden Rutile Quartz because of the small needle-like Rutile threads, ie fine rutile crystals, in the Rutile Quartz Stone. It cleans and energizes the aura. It calms the dark mood and acts as an antidepressant. It relieves fears, phobias and worries. It helps to get to the root of problems and facilitates transitions and change of direction. **Smokey Quartz;** Smoky quartz is popularly called dream stone or ghost stone because of its appearance. It has a color with brown, black and smoky gray tones. Smoky quartz, referred to as the victory stone by the Scots, also symbolizes success. It regulates sleep, prevents nightmares. It protects the body against radiation and reduces side effects, especially after chemotherapy. It creates a sense of trust and provides openness to new experiences. Besides strengthening the feelings, this stone gives the opportunity to turn even negativities into positive with foresight and accurate predictions. Overall it is a powerful healer. **Amethyst;** Like all quartz stones, it absorbs negative energy and relaxes its environment. It transforms the energies around it into love, it is protective against attacks. It is the stone of meditation. Amethyst is also a protective stone for hormones. It ensures the harmony of metabolism. It opens the intuition and strengthens the 6th sense. For this, it should be placed on the forehead (3rd eye) chakra. **Selenite (Desert Rose)**


**Selenite (Desert Rose)**; It is a self-cleaning crystal. You do not need to clean it separately. Selenite, which strengthens the self-confidence and belief of the person, has a peaceful energy. It is a stone compatible with all chakras, primarily the crown chakra. It is most associated with the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, which represent wisdom and spirituality. It is a high energy natural stone vibrating at high frequency. **To purify your natural stone according to the frequency of use; Leave it in the soil for 12 to 24 hours every 15 days or weekly.**


***The Intention to Quit:** My dear natural stone, I leave you to Mother Earth to cleanse, cleanse and be filled with positive energy.* **Intention to Receive:** My dear natural stone, I affectionately accept you. Take it in your hands and draw it closer to your heart and flow your love from your heart into your stone. Feel you love it. 1-2 minutes is enough. **1 Minute Love Ritual:** Place Pink Quartz stone over your heart for one minute to connect with the energy of love. Use this minute as a time to connect with your own self-love as well - as this will totally shine inside and attract more in your own way. Just like RuPaul said; *"If you don't love yourself, how will you love someone else?"* **Stay with peace and love.**

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