Saturday, February 6, 2021

Feeding yourself healthy.... Eating on the cheap while adding to your quality of life !
Here's my breakfast - that I'm just about to eat !

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Now why the hell would I take a piccy of my breakfast, and post it? Becuase it matters! No, not my breakfast per se - but to serve as an illustration of how we've become so decadent. And lazy. And with that decadence, we've become more _unhealthy_ - and financially poorer. Let me break down my brekkie for you - it's not rocket science - just common sense and a tiny little bit of work.


Mayonaisse. This has been freshly made (by moi), 30 minutes ago. I used: 1 free range egg (from our chickens), _Pork fat_ - bought (1), Freshly ground mustard seeds -bought Apple cider vinegar - made by myself. Sea salt and a dash of lime juice. Cost? Less than 30 cents - _for the jar_. A far less healthy, (and definitely less tasty), store bought alternative - retails for around $2.50. The cost for this breakfast? Around 3 cents. (1)....apart from olive oil and coconut oil - saturated fat - any veggie oils just screw up your arteries (among many other health issues). This causes excess production of cholesterol (as your body attempts to cool down the inflammation that's caused by using non saturated fats). Did you know that statins are used to control cholesterol and blood pressure ? it's something that's _caused_ by a clogging up of the arteries and a poor diet, and coincidentally - is also the _second largest selling pharmaceutical product on the planet!_...MMmmmmm. _Factoid_ The human body is designed to run on saturated fats. Non saturated fats. They cause inflammation in the cells (causing higher cholesterol production). Common sense tells you that by ingesting saturated fats, you are working in unison with your body, and not against it...


Bread. Baked, early this morning. Flour, yeast, oil and salt. That's it. The cost for these two slices? Approximately 4 cents.


Tomato's, lettuce, and eggs are from our own garden and chickens. Apart from being organic (and healthier) than any store bought produce - the cost of these for this breakfast, is _too small to calculate_. For the sake of math - lets call it 5 cents (and that's _greatly_ over priced imo).


Chicken. Raised organically , they eat what they find walking around during the day. (mostly - there is some feed that's is given to them) Cost for this breakfast? - Mmmmm...a difficult one - but no more than 5 cents. _max_.


Cheese (bought). This small slice costs a fortune ! ... I've yet to start trying to make cheese for myself (but it is on the'things to find out about' list). Cost for this breakfast - 10 cents.

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Cost: Mayo - 3 cents Bread - 4 cents Veggie / eggs - 5 cents Cheese - 10 cents Drum roll....LESS THAN 25 CENTS ! For a healthy, and mostly organic, _delicious_ meal. The time invested to produce the food for _this_ meal is so infinitesimally small as to be incalculable. Maybe... 3 minutes for the bread. 3 minutes for the mayo. 5 minutes for the chicken. (killing, plucking and gutting, doesn't take too long in total, and the small amount of meat that's used in this meal - divided into that total time - is less than 5 minutes). ### It makes eating at a cafe and paying for inferior quality food, _(and paying over 10x the price!!!!)_, seems kinda dumb, doesn't it?...and also so _very decadent and lazy_. ##### If anyone can offer an argument against this logic - I'd love to hear it... *Also, Another added bonus to this way of eating - is one more of apsychological nature , rather than a physical one. _When you've made the apple cider vinegar yourself, fed the chickens yourself, grown the veggie's yourself, made the bread feeds the soul as well as the body_. If you _don't_ believe that to be the case then I'd say that you've never actually tried it - and tasted it - for yourself. Being 'out of touch with nature' and it's rhythms, is its own hazard. Grow up, and get back to nature (as much as you possibly can). The rewards are _massive_. ### Have a great Sunday, everyone! P.S...Today I'm off to try and make myself a bamboo bow - and some arrows (for the very first time). I'll take some pics and video of the process, as I screw up - and then post the results. ** If all goes to plan our doggies will soon be eating hunted birds, and not domesticated chicken flesh! _I'm also being ***unbelievably optimistic*** of this possibility ever actually happening any time soon!..._

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I tried to upload a gif of this guy taking birds out _midair_ with a bow - but hive won't let me...If I was to ever reach that level of skill, I'll be one very happy bunny!
Originally posted here:

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