Thursday, June 4, 2020

Worksheet for kids on staying healthy

It is important to keep ourselves healthy and like the idiom says "prevention is better than cure" .

It is important to rather try to stay healthy through good eating and exercise habits than to detect a disease or illness. It is important that you know your body and can pick up when you are not feeling well.



Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you live a healthy life.

1. How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

2. How many teaspoons of sugar do you take per day?

3. How many portions of fruit do you eat per day?

4. How many portions of fatty food or junk food do you eat per day?

5. How many sweet fizzy drinks do you drink per day?

6. How many hours do you spend on active sport and exercise per day?

7. How many hours do you spend in front of the television and computer per day?

8. How many hours do you sleep per night?

9. How many hours do you spend in the sun per day without protective clothing, like a hat?

10. How often do you wash your hands per day?

After you have answered you can now compare it to the information on a healthy lifestyle

You must drink at least 6 glasses of water per day- try and stick to just water, do not replace it with other liquids.

You may start getting a problem with your blood sugar if you take in too much sugar on a daily basis. What happens if your blood sugar fluctuates?

Having too much sugar in the blood for long periods of time can cause serious health problems if it's not treated. Hyperglycemia can damage the vessels that supply blood to vital organs, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, vision problems, and nerve problems.

You can read more on it here.

Ten teaspoons of sugar and one fizzy drink is the maximum sugar per day.

You must eat at least one fruit per day so that your body gets the necessary vitamins.

If you eat too much fatty and junk food it can cause weight problems.

Too much animal fats like margarine can cause health problems and it is better to replace it with unsaturated fats like olive oil,

Do some research to find out about 'healthy fats'.

Fish and chicken is healthier than red meat, but you can have a portion of red meat once or twice a week.

Try and exercise or go outside and walk around for a bit. You cannot just sit in front of the TV or computer the whole day. Exercise burns fat.

It is important to rest your body - you need at least 6 hours of sleep per night.

You should never be out in the sun between 11:00 and 15:00 without protective clothing and a sunscreen since this is the hottest time of day and can lead to sunburn and skin damage.

Do research and find out why the sun is bad for you skin.

You should wash your hands every time you’ve used the toilet.

Germs can cause many diseases.

It is important to make a distinction between diseases and health conditions. A disease often has an incubation period before symptoms appear. Diseases are usually curable.

A health condition is usually something that you have which cannot be cured but you can control it with certain lifestyle changes. An example of a health condition is diabetes.

Most health conditions are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Choose any type of health condition, find more information on it and find out how it can be controlled.

Originally posted here:

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