Thursday, June 4, 2020

What will be the 4th argument of the forced vaccinators / medical tyranny totalitarian authoritarian supermacists?
ahahahah, ### they lost on the liberty front (my choice, informed consent, free will) ### they lost on the ownership front (my body, if you can forced vaxx, nothing is out of reach) ### they lost on the social responsibility (if you are too weak to get vaccinated, you better plan your funerals, ie there are more things to kill you than vaccines will ever exists (virus and bacteriaes mutate faster than you dev vaccines / counter measures, flue vaccine immunization rate, ie how many die from the flue while being vaxxed, ahahah). --- so what's next, at least be creative, before revealing your true side, your totalitarian authoritarian medical tyranny, make and effort plz... the 3rd one was a little harder to blast, the second, I was blinded to it, but it's clearly that it's proximity to the liberty side is so evident... anyway !!! so what? go pedo dersho, use your shit rapist brain for once, produce something... at least try... why such anticipation toward their mediocrity? another victory :D. the chosenite can't defeat the victoryite... most probably titus was already suffering from it :D. so bring your arguments little people, you have no chances. you are sooo defeated, mentally lame, intellectually incapable, and will only makes yourselves even fooler than you already are, for the whole world and eternity to see ! but more seriously, this military vaxx issue, I would sincerely recommend a full review of the protocol and substances used, those adjuvants and co... statylne, mercury aluminium... totally useless... and those RNA shit, please don't become GMO... you would have lost the war already... and frankly, in a Biological warfare mode, there is nothing but the full on merged (and purgeable) nano suit ! the rest is illusion and even source of weakness ! and as always said, what ever the current protocols are, you done, you finish, you free ! and that's critical ! personally, first step, would be a few days of rest post vaccination in military setting. ideally, it would be done before recruitement... like a week or two before getting to the "boot camps"... you know, everyone is healthy check done. but I incicte deeply on this : the all natural form option... for the all natural army... and honnestly, I am totally against this biological warfare, I mean titus was 100% right, use even the dead corpse for the war effort, no problem. but the spread... the mutation, the failure... I stay basic, nuke, invasion, plant the flag, wipe all the leadership with kinectic or energy weapon... and the scale... those gmo / bioweapons really have a life of their own... and as said in jurassic park, a path, they will find, always... proof this coronavirus gmo modified... how many trillions wiped? I don't think the gmo industry will ever be able to produce enough value to compensate... and that's just one leak (or intentional attack on china and the world by the forced vaxx team)... many more will come, many more xpollination, xspeciejumps and co... way way way too dangerous... the goo... don't forget those things starts with billions of years of evolution, galactic cataclysm survival... they are alive, they are life ! they even travel through the great voids... found 25000 thousand years later swimming like in the first day before the great freeze... I mean... two good question, virus / bacteria and dinosaurs... the trex is gone, those who annoyed him? when you think about it, crocodile and co, lezards of war ? I mean already the flying mouse... and jelly fishes? I mean it's the mesh of life... it's not a windows computer code... second one, is there twin ants?
Originally posted here:

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