Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Poppy seeds: useful qualities

Notes on the healing effects of poppies were found on Sumerian tablets 4,000 years ago! In ancient times, it was grown mainly in Mesopotamia, Greece and Egypt, where poppy was considered an excellent remedy for "crying and screaming children." Hippocrates recommended it to patients as a cure for insomnia. Currently, the plant is grown mainly in Afghanistan, China, India, Iran and Turkey. In Asia, it is mainly used to produce opium, a raw material for pharmaceutical companies that produce morphine and codeine. In Ukraine, poppy seeds are valued mainly for their taste. - Poppy is used in the form of a filling for buns or added to bread as a sprinkle. We associate the specific taste of poppy mainly with sweet dishes. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that its seeds contain about 50% fat, so poppy seed oil with a characteristic nutty flavor is obtained. In Ukraine, this product is very little popular. It is a pity, because its main ingredient (70-75 percent) is a very useful linoleic acid, as well as no less valuable oleic acid. Poppy oil can be the perfect complement to a variety of salads. And because of the taste, and because of the benefits to our health - regulation of the heart, improving blood supply to the brain, restoring the balance between good and bad cholesterol. Poppy seeds are also rich in many other ingredients. - First of all, proteins (19-25 percent) and minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium also contain vitamins A, C, D, E, B3, which strengthen the immune system, improve the appearance of hair, skin and nails, as well as ensure the correct functioning of our vision. Thanks to its high fiber content, poppy swells in the stomach, improves intestinal motility and facilitates the digestive system. Seeds can be an effective treatment for coughing, pain in the ears and teeth, and even for fever. However, we must remember that poppy is a healthy, but also high-calorie treat. 100 g of seeds contain up to 478 calories. In addition, when preparing Christmas dishes, we combine seeds with other “energy” products - honey, nuts or dried fruits. - Given the frequency of use of poppy seeds in Ukraine, the benefits of consumption outweigh the high calories. In stores, there are primarily European varieties of this plant, the seeds of which are blue. Species originating from Asia have white or gray grains. What should I look for when shopping? Fresh poppy seeds have a sweet taste, and this is what we choose for home baking. Dirty, worse in quality, he will creak. The method of storing grain is also important. The high fat content in dry matter makes poppy seeds sensitive to bitterness. So let's keep it in dark, not damp places. Recently, ready-made poppy seeds are very popular, which greatly facilitate the preparation of holiday delicacies. The processed product can be used immediately, for example, as a filling for the test. Thus, we avoid the tedious process of grinding poppy seeds. My photo:


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive/@ksenja/poppy-seeds-useful-qualities

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