Thursday, June 4, 2020

Plants growing in Healthy manner || Garden Update
Hello everyone ___ It's been raining continuously for the last couple of days and in a way it have helped our garden quite a lot. Well to be more precise it's more like my mother's. She maintains it and does most of the things. While few days back I created a [post](, where I showed you about the latest situation of the garden. ___ Thanks to the rain the plants seemed to be growing really well. Let me take you on a tour of the Garden. ___ **PUMPKIN** : Even though, I am not sure it will ever grow a pumpkin as it requires much more soil, which is not really present in here but it is nice to see itself grow in this space and in this time as well. ___

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___ If you remember on my last post of the garden [here]( I told you about how the CHILI plant was growing. Now as you can see, it has already grown quite a lot. And now it has grown its leaves and branches all over. I have been taking a look at them almost everyday and two days back they were replaced to another pot where they have a better chance of growing. ___

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____ As you can see, once they were removed they were planted on two pots along with other grown plants on the second pot. I am expecting to them bear chillis probably within a month or so depending on the climate and hopefully this would get much more spicy this time then it was from the past. As the seeds that were planted from, were very much of spicy ones. ___

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___ My mother, she was telling to plant some more seeds of different plants. And she seemed little happy of about the outcome on those plants. While I wish I had that luck of planting something and allowing them to grow. Besides, not everybody has all the talents, we should be happy with what we have mastered. While looking forward to the growth of the garden. And that is it for the blog, I will see you soon, with next update of the garden. Stay safe and healthy everyone!! ___ ___


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___ ___ ___ ##### Best regards ###### _Rehan_ ___

Originally posted here:

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