Thursday, June 4, 2020

Healthy Ways to Start Your Day
After all night you are sleeping and wake and your body is in a clutching position waiting for you to refresh it with food and water in order to "bridge" your "quick," the first option is of great importance. The first alternative must be water, 4x 160ml water glasses before eating for 45 minutes. This will hydrate your body and help promote your kidney energy.

Healthy Day

[]( The benefits include digesting your breakfast meal more efficiently and improving the acid balance in your intestines day after day, which enables your body to start the day alkalized. The more alkalized the body, the less bacteria in this system will survive. You can drink the morning water to the next level by adding different water supplements that can alkalize the water itself worldwide. This really speeds up the whole process and before you know, you'll feel great every day. This is particularly good if people with "O" blood types are more acidic than most in the stomach as the original type of blood used by "cavemen" developed higher levels in the blood acidity to break meat down effectively because of the high meat content of their diet. When you can’t concentrate on drinking cool water with your meal, it increases your digestion dramatically and helps the body to properly decompose and use the food. The cool effect of the liquid solidifies the fat in the food, making it the first material to penetrate the small intestine and to adhere to the walls and promote toxicity. The majority of the diet is impaired by the obstruction of the small intestine and can contribute to gastric bags and flatulence and indigestion. Through consuming some warm water with or after your meal and then eating or drinking for 2 hours, the stomach will digest and improve your health optimally through facilitating nutrient absorption and reducing waste output in your meal. Headache, nausea, asthma, conditions in the ear nose and throat, menstrual disorders, high blood pressure, constipation, stomach problems, irritable bowel syndrome and general welfare may help to start a day quickly.

Healthy Breakfast

[]( A full nutritious breakfast is definitely the right way to start your day off if you want to lose weight. Most people don’t know about breakfast. **There are many advantages.** You fuel yourself for one thing for a long day. Your body needs energy and a lot of it to function at the optimal level. It is like trying to run your car without gas in the tank without having breakfast. It’s going to break down eventually! It not only gives you the energy you need, but also improves your mood. *Have you ever skipped breakfast and had a nasty mood all day and haven’t known why?* Basically, you’re starving by skipping breakfast. Think about it, the body has gone without any nourishment for hours. Something must be in your stomach. This is particularly important for those who do manual work. You can feel very sick because you don’t eat at all and seek hard physical work. You’re getting sick and probably throwing up. You may think it’s perfect not to eat breakfast, but it’s very wrong. Your body will not store fat, but will start using your muscle tissue for energy. You actually teach the body to accumulate even more fat because you don’t eat for a long time. You must also eat in the morning because you want to keep your metabolism up. This is necessary for a high rate of fat loss. It is not just necessary to have breakfast. To start your day on the right foot, you need a nutritious breakfast. Because of the amount of carbs, I usually have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. A major source of complex carbs from toast or bagel is essential. You should have some fruit as well as a bottle of orange juice. Some protein, like a glass of fatty milk, would be a good choice. **Eggs are a great breakfast choice**. It is a great protein source, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. If you have a cereal bowl for a quick breakfast, stay away from any sugar brand. Try to have **whole grain of cereal and add some fruits** for a nutritious meal in it. With a balanced breakfast you are ready for a great day of work, play or anything. Don’t miss the "to-go" bars to stay away. These tasty snacks are loaded with sugar nine times out of ten. There are some healthy alternatives, however. Just be imaginative and enjoy your breakfast fun, so you won’t miss it and feel very boring somewhere in the day. **Before you get out of bed:** ### 1. Give gratitude Take a moment to give a few mental thanks... for seeing someone else, for families and friends, for your safety, your job, a roof over your head or whatever the situation you have. Being conscious that you already exist in a blessed state of being will improve your day. ### 2. Thump the thymus The thymus gland helps to develop a strong, healthy immune system. Through touching this region first in the morning and then a few more times all day long, we keep the gland stimulated. ### 3. Activate spleen dots These are neuro-olympathic dots on your spleen meridian that will help boost the immune system, energize the body, and regulate blood chemistry like the two above. How do I approach these points? It is the low between the seventh and eighth ribs, just below the breastbone or sternum point. Place your hands under your breasts, directly under the nipples and then walk down the next leg. As with the above, they will hurt when stimulated if they are not done regularly. Go out of bed and get on with..... ### 4. Dry brush your skin Get in the habit of brushing your face before getting into the shower. This technique has numerous advantages including helping to detoxify, stimulating circulation, increasing cell renewal, lymph clearing and strengthening immunity. Start brushing your skin by using a long handled brush with natural bristles (please no synthetic!). Hold the brush dry, start at your feet and walk up to your head. Brush in a circular way with powerful movements, covering all areas of the body up to the middle. Then start at the head and work down again, covering the rest of the body, towards the bottom. When you’re done, the shower is to clean and not to wake you up. ### 5. Visualization When you physically wash yourself in the shower, try visualizing the energy field around you with psychic debris. Visualize a light coming with the water from the showerhead, I like a bright violet light. When the light hits the body, think it brandishes or transmutes any energy waste that clings to your aura, the water will then wash away the subtle particles as they lose their grip. You feel very relaxed at the end of the shower! ### 6. Oil up Once you have taken the shower, now all tingly oil with one of the best skin conditioners-organic coconut oil. > Oil Up: When topically applied to the skin, coconut oil helps keep the skin moisturised, young, healthy and disease-free. Add cocoa oil to your diet and see the health benefits increase. Finish your day with slathering coconut oil to the skin in the night and many will admire your young look. ### 7. Ditch java Replace it with a hot cup of water containing non-filtered apple cider vinegar and raw honey for 2 table spoons each instead of beginning your morning with a cup of coffee. It is necessary to have organic, unfiltered vinegar of apple cider to reap the benefits of health. Although it might not sound appetizing, it is not really a difficult drink to eat and it is really nice. Some of the benefits include helping you to become more routine by relieving constipation, enhancing skin texture, helping to relieve eruptions and making you feel new and ready to go! ### 8. Breakfast! The way to start the day is to create a simple, easy, balanced and nutritious meal. Know this is the day’s most important meal. I like to remember this in the following quote: „Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” ### 9. Oxygenate your body It is so easy, but we often miss it so profoundly. *How many of you read this now breathe with little breaths?* Come on now, I know who you are, raise your hand! If you need this extra blast of energy breath! Include a deep breath in 3’s slow count, hold 3’s slow count, exhale to 3’s slow count. Do it in a few minutes with concentration and aim, then test your energy level again. If you did this correctly, you really managed to start your day. You increase your vitality with this deep breath while raising stress. ----------
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