Sunday, June 7, 2020

healthy lifestyle ..
each day is a unique experience a gift from God that allows a rebirth of the Soul and offers a new opportunity. Today I want to share with you based on that premise of change, some destructive habits, some beneficial customs that the Rastafarian culture offers us to have a higher lifestyle, both physical and spiritual.


Rastafarian food is based solely on natural products. . some Rastas include fish in their diet to stay healthy; because it is really necessary also to eat friendly proteins however, only small fish, not crabs, lobsters or shrimps. their diet is based on the term I-tal Ita is derived from the word "vital", which means a natural and healthy way of life.


Meat in general is another food that is not ingested by the practitioners of Rastafarian philosophy, one of the causes is the mistreatment of animals; since meat goes through a process from the time the animal is killed until it is consumed, that trance is considered impure and therefore we would be feeding on the suffering of the animal, eating all this negative energy that influences growth, life and spiritual peace. Eating fresh and healthy food is beneficial not only for the body but also for the spiritual aspect, because it is considered that people decrease their vitality when they eat canned food, fast food, fats, seasonings, and foods with a lot of salt.


Eating fresh and healthy food is beneficial not only for the body but also for the spiritual aspect, because it is considered that people decrease their vitality when they eat canned food, fast food, fats, seasonings, and foods with a lot of salt. In other words, all the food that should be consumed by the human being should be natural, really friends these are habits that we should all adopt nowadays it is very fashionable to be a vegetarian .


According to the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research, vegetarians have a lower mortality risk, a lower risk of heart disease, a 50% lower chance of getting cancer, a lower risk of obesity and a longer life expectancy than meat eaters. In addition, a report by the National Heart Forum estimates that 3,000 deaths from heart disease could be avoided if people ate more fruits and vegetables. - FEED THE WORLD: The world's population continues to grow and needs food. we have to change the old patterns and adopt new habits that strengthen us inside and out.




Daily Meditation is a comforting food that strengthens our body and soul and helps us to concentrate and more in these times that we live in a society full of anxiety and stress It consists of three phases, conscious breathing, relaxation of the body, arrival of the light. The simpler it is, the easier it will be to incorporate it as a habit. To meditate is to live from moment to moment, to feel one's own frequency constantly restarting, without the painful past, without worries about an uncertain future. In the same way, when the mind is calm, without thoughts or desires, you can see the Self, which promotes the union of the individual soul with the Divine.. Different types of vibrations DELTA 10-50 micro volts 0.2 to 3.5 Hz Hypnotic state, right brain hemisphere in full activity, deep sleep, meditation THETA 50-100 microvolts 3.5 to 7.5 Hz Waking state, balance between the left and right hemispheres, fullness, harmony ALPHA 100-150 microvolts 7.5 to 13 Hz Relaxation, tranquility, creativity start full activity of the left hemisphere and disconnect from the right hemisphere. BETA 150-200 micro volts 13 to 28 Hz State of maximum alert, vigilance, fear, is the normal situation when we are awake, driving, or working where we are in a state of alert, anxiety. HIGH RAM +200 micro volts + 28 Hz state of stress and confusion Meditation for Rastafarians represents the unity of man with Jah, with himself and with other men. It generates good vibrations and allows to receive good vibrations. until a new opportunity dear friends remember our body is a temple that must be strong, food and exercise is essential we must take care of ourselves and value our health .. God bless you.. Bibliographic reference [source photo 1]( [source photo2]( [source photo3]( [source photo4]( [source photo5](
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