Sunday, February 28, 2021

Easy Low Carb: Slow Cooker Vegan Black Beans
The endless dance between being a solo mama and the owner of an expanding entrepreneurial business here in Thailand is tough. Last week, Miss 16 asked if we could ***please try to eat earlier***. Cos the 9pm plus meals were just too late and her study load as final exams approach leaves her needing to sleep earlier. What that REALLY means is mama has to reconfigure the way she uses her time, and reassess what we cook and serve. And it has to be not only EASY, but low carb, vegan-ish and healthy. Enter my Slow Cooker. Ta Da!!! And enter the idea of throwing some old cooking habits out the window. One of the easiest dishes I have created - and cook regularly - is an easy slow cooker black bean dish. Takes all of 20 mins to prepare, with NO pre-soaking or prep of the black beans in any way.

BlackBean1 2.jpg

#### Ingredients: - 1-2 cups dry, washed black beans - Chopped tomatoes - Sliced red capsicum - Coarsely sliced red onion - Garlic - coarsely chopped is good - Broccoli stalks or chunks of Celery (or both)

BlackBean2 2.jpg

**Seasoning** - Flat leaf (vietnamese) coriander - Chinese celery leaves - Salt - 2 TABLEspoons of magic Korean chili powder, called Gochugaru. Yes, you read correctly. 🤣 No, it is not very spicy at all. Now don't OBSESS here. Vietnamese coriander looks like this and lends an awesome flavour to the black beans.

BlackBean3 2.jpg

[Image source]( If you can't find it locally, use what you have. Dried oregano works. A few regular celery leaves if you don't have the yummier Chinese celery leaves to hand. Use good salt! If you've never used Gochugaru (Korean Chili powder), this is WORTH investing in. Think of it as a slightly spicy paprika more than a chili. It's become my staple in the kitchen for all sorts of things, but probably most commonly used for making kimchi! Easy to find in good Asian supermarkets. In Asia? it's everywhere. 😆


[Image source]( #### Method. - Wash your beans and pick out any stones. - Chop everything up and spread it out on the cutting board. - Distribute your seasoning across the chopped goodies. And then sprinkle the washed beans over too. - Scoop up with a big spoon or your hands and dump into your slow cooker. Pour over about 3 cups water. Pop the lid on and set it on LOW for about 8 hours. While it's cooking, ***get back to work!*** #### Serving Suggestions. I like it in a bowl with steamed pumpkin and the steamed broccoli florets. Or serve it in a bowl with a salad on the side. Feeling lazy and leaning more towards keto? Slice a ripe avocado over the top and you're done. Broccoli florets are a bonus. Not too concerned about being very low carb? It's equally yummy with some mashed potato or rice. It reheats brilliantly. #### Extra Bonus? The oh-my-goodness-what-a-domestic-goddess-I-am feeling when you come home at 5pm, the house smells amazing and dinner is served by 6.30pm.


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Pollinated versus Unpollinated Cannabis Flowers

Can we tell if a particular cannabis flower has been successfully pollinated just by looking at it? Yes! I pollinated certain parts of my Reclining Buddha cannabis garden a few days ago, and as these photographs show, there are already clear differences that the perceptive gardener can spot!
Even from that preview, differences are obvious. The pistils, aka "white hairs", have retracted and darkened in colour. (That's a good thing.) Here's what else I noticed.

The Virgin

The untouched, virginal, and unpollinated flower (shown on left above) has long and fluffy pistils that are white and pointed upward.
The base of the developing top nug is narrow. The bud is currently shaped like a V. The "foxtails" (single-fingered leaves protruding from the flower) are pointed and lying flat. Side note: Trichomes are developing! She smells beautiful already. One node down on the same virginal branch shows more of the same:

The Mother-to-be

The side of the plant which DID get visited by a pollen-coated cotton swab looks quite different. First, here she is 4 days ago, at the moment of conception:
Today, the pistils are thin, shriveled, and browned. No pregnancy test required - the pollen did its job:
The base of this developing top nug is wide. The bud is taking on a rounded shape. The foxtails are rounded and curled. Swelling calyxes are visible near the lower center of the bud. A calyx is a roughly teardrop-shaped structure that's a bit like a plant uterus. Each calyx that was successfully pollinated will contain one developing seed.

Congratulations! She's pregnant! A new generation has been bred, and is now being nurtured inside the mother plant. In just a few weeks, protective shells will form around these baby plants, and when the flowers are dried, the seeds will be gathered and saved.

The lower nodes of the same pollinated branch look the same:
Those foxtails are much more curved than on the virginal branch. Check out those trichomes already, yum!
(The pollinated half was marked with a twist tie. I treated two very healthy females this way, and left the other two completely unpollinated.)

So yes, there are several clear indicators to look for when checking for successful pollination in cannabis plants. I hope these photographs and descriptions clearly demonstrate those indicators.

Control group

My other two females didn't get involved whatsoever. They're just doing their thing, unaware a male was ever among them! (He's in the compost now. RIP "Monster".) Because they aren't part of the experiment, it's useful to follow their progress as well. So far, one is unremarkable, but the other seems to be accelerating:

Lots of growth - a big afro of pistils reaching and stretching for pollen! She clearly resembles the unpollinated side of the other plants, showing no signs of pollination at all.

I wouldn't exactly say she's "stacking up" or anything, but for 200% organic plants, this early into flowering, that's pretty good. In other words, maybe not having ANY pollinated flowers at all might boost a plant's sensimillia (seedless bud) production significantly. That's worth noting, because I had previously believed that pollinating half a plant didn't affect the other half. It would mean I should treat each plant as either a seed-bearing plant or a medicine-bearing plant, not pollinating parts of plants. More experimentation is required.
In the meantime, I have 4 healthy adult females about to hit the prime of their lives! Stay tuned on Hive and Weedcash, to watch the production of a few dozen Reclining Buddha seeds, and lots of gorgeous unseeded bud covered in sticky trichomes!
DRutter ---
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Originally posted here:

Top Tips for a Fast, Healthy Breakfast
I don’t know about you, but I find breakfast to be the most challenging meal of the day. I generally don’t wake up wanting food, and I certainly don’t want to start the day with anything sweet. Why are so many breakfast foods sweet? But I know I should start the day off right, and something healthy and savory is appealing. So I devised a way to make breakfast fast, healthy, interesting and hearty! # Meet the Breakfast Frittata


You can make countless variations of a breakfast frittata. It all depends on what you have on hand. I will tell you how I make it, along with some ideas for how to switch it up, and then you will be able to make one anytime and get creative. Note: I cook mine in the microwave. It takes about two and half minutes to bake that way, and it turns out great. But if you wish, you can easily make it in a pan (a cast iron skillet or small Dutch oven works great). You can find cooking times and recipes in a simple search. You would likely want to go this route if you’re making breakfast for multiple people, as thie method I’m sharing here is ideal for one person. I use the microwave because I love being able to make a wonderful hearty breakfast quickly due to my busy work life! ## Assemble Your Ingredients The one staple for this dish is eggs. Everything else is optional. For this particular frittata, I used what I had on hand: - Broccoli - Peppers - Shallot - Cole slaw mix Other veggie ingredients I often throw in include: - Mushrooms - Tomatoes - Zucchini or yellow squash - Brussels sprouts - Any shredded greens, such as kale - Shredded cabbage (if you don’t have coke slaw mix, like I do 😁) - Green onions (scallions) - Chopped red or yellow onions - Leftover roasted potatoes or mashed potatoes But wait, there’s more! If you want additional flavor and protein, you can also add: - Diced ham - Diced turkey - Crumbled, cooked bacon Even chopped lunch meat is great. Here is what I assembled from what I had on hand.






Next I chopped everything except the cole slaw. For that I just grabbed a handful from the bag. (Tip: Cole slaw is a great addition to a lot of quick meals, and is an excellent way to hack up the nutritional content of things like leftovers you are heating up. I recommend stocking it in your fridge!)


## Throw It Together I grab a serving size microwave-safe bowl, and spray the inside with cooking spray.



Next, crack two eggs in the bowl and scramble them. Note: If you’re cutting down on fat, you can do one whole egg and one egg white, or three egg whites.



Add all of your prepared ingredients.


You can also add cheese! I’m a huge fan of either shredded Parmesan of goat cheese. For this frittata I added crumbled goat cheese.


## Bake It Now just pop the bowl into the microwave and cook for fir two minutes. Most likely it will not be quite done. It depends on how many ingredients you’ve added. But I find two minutes is a good starting point. I take the bowl out at this point and cut up the frittata with a knife and fork to distribute the heat and then I cook it for 30 seconds more. You will get a feel for cooking times with your microwave after trying it once or twice. ## Add Toppers Now you can embellish for flavor and heartiness. Here are some of the things I tend to add on top, depending on what I have on hand and what sort of flavor combo I’m going for - such as the Denver omelette flavor (ham and cheese), south-of-the-border, hue is rancheros, etc. - Salt and pepper - Crushed red pepper - Salsa - Chopped fresh avocado - Chopped cilantro - Spices and herbs such as parsley, thyme or oregano It is all up to the limits of one’s imagination and culinary desires. This might seem elaborate, but it’s really not. It’s just a matter of chopping some veggies you have on hand, scrambling the eggs and mixing it all together with cheese or other ingredients you like and then popping it into the microwave. And bam! A healthy, hearty breakfast!


Thanks for visiting, and I would love to hear from you if you try it and how it turns out.

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Toxic and harmful foods for our brain.

Toxic and harmful foods for our brain.

Continuing the previous publication on how to take care of our brain, we know that the blood-brain barrier, the one that separates the brain and blood, is an essential barrier to maintain your brain and it is also advisable to avoid the foods that I am going to mention in this publication and the following ones.

They are the foods that hurt the brain the fastest, we all want to be healthy and we want to avoid memory or cognitive capacity problems as the years go by, this is a common fear and although it is very important to take care of your brain, above all, take care of this division that He mentioned between brain and blood to avoid the entry of toxic substances from the brain that should not enter, we really have to consider that there are specific foods and specific toxins that are responsible for most of the damage we do in the brain throughout our lives .


Trans fats and vegetable oils are not the only foods that can harm your brain, so I am going to mention 9 the foods that we should take care of the most and what else we should avoid if we can, to optimize the functioning of our brain and avoid damage In the long term, because the two things go hand in hand, in the first place we have foods rich in histamine, basically histamine is a compound that releases in cells that we have in our immune system called mast cells, this obviously has a lot to do with allergies these cells are part of the immune system and tend to proliferate and develop more in the face of things that stress you, like most allergens that is why they are associated with allergies, but the important thing is that once it is released histamine dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the stressed area as happens when someone's skin becomes red from an allergy for example, this also It also leads to inflammation and also high levels of histamine can cause mental fog at the nervous system level, headaches, systemic conditions that in general tend to be hereditary, such as systemic mastocytosis, and all of these have in common that they give high levels of inflammation that can give As a consequence, at the level of the nervous system, decreased attention span, irritability and even depression.

The most obvious way to reduce histamine when we have it high is and the foods that increase histamine are those that do not generate allergies, this is the first step we must do and in the first place as foods that raise histamine we have cereals and dairy products, because they generate increases in histamine values ​​in the blood but by no means are they the only ones, it can also happen to me with fermented beverages, as it happens particularly with beer and to a lesser extent with some other fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, if I I have an allergy response to these foods, that is why it is important when we consume fermented products to be safe or do the test that you do not have an allergy to their food, the way to be sure if this food allergy happens or not is to see if it generates me bloating, but in general foods pickled, in soy sauce, yogurt, smoked meats, added and many other products can be s factors that modify me and stimulate the production of histamine.

Take a test.

Within nuts, the classic example of this is peanuts and some shellfish are very common as histamine elevators, it always implies that you have to do a personal test, because not all people respond the same to food; that's why there are allergy tests designed to evaluate your particular allergies.

Let's leave the leftovers.

And one of the foods richest in histamine, although it does not occur to us to think about it in general, is when we eat leftovers, when we make a lot of a plate and eat it for two or three days because on the third day it is obviously fermented, more than that he did the first day, then we are consuming, we are generating a greater increase in histamine for the same substance, for the same dish, it is not completely about eliminating these foods, but rather it is about understanding that many times the superfood than for someone is for another person can be a generator of an increase in histamine on the one hand and a generator of an increase in cortisol because when we consume a substance to which we are allergic we increase our stress hormone, we increase our cortisol, we alter and increase our levels of blood glucose and this will change our immune response and our bacterial flora.

The Paleo Diet.

If I want to reduce these histamine values, what you are going to do is eat foods that have other characteristics, obviously most of the fresh animal products that have not been preserved, they usually have an effect opposite to that of histamine, that is why that when I have many food allergies, one of the diets that works best to reduce those allergy symptoms is the paleo diet, because it is rich in animal products, it is rich in fresh vegetables that have not undergone fermentation.

If you have digestive inflammation in general, I recommend that you first look for FODMAP foods, which are the foods that generate the most fermentation and specifically avoid those types of vegetables to see what happens with your histamine values ​​and to see what happens with your symptoms.

If you want to reduce the levels of histamine that you have in your body and that are giving you this uncomfortable digestive response, high levels of fat such as olive oil, coconut oil or some types of teas and infusions are very good to reduce the immunological effects generated by histamine.

Souce 1 Souce 2 Souce 3

Originally posted here:

Don't Beat Yourself Down. Dream Big and Reach Out!


Hello, folks! Javier here for the first time doing a third curation in a week, yet this post is only to cover for the ones I couldn't do a couple of weeks ago. Lotus Love is a peculiar curation too because it kind of summarizes the quality of the entire week, and we've had some really amazing posts of late, no doubt about that! How did you work with the Full Moon in Virgo this Saturday? I did my usual Lunation Ritual and reorganized some important data that was a bit strewn all over the place, connecting the dots and establishing references, coordinates. This is often most important when we're crossing a threshold, unlocking a new potentiality or simply encountering a radically unfamiliar context, such as the one we've been traversing for the past few years. The posts I bring you today deal with recognizing personal potential, expanding our ambitions and working toward improving our relationship with ourselves in a changing world.



I open this curation with a very interesting post by, who uses a logical process of deconstruction with its fair share of mathematical thinking, to approach the topic of spirituality and the concept of God. It's an intriguing proposition which offers us a simple scientific and graphic framework which could possibly be developed much further. ###
[A graphic of the triad of spirituality](


Years ago, a friend told me that I lacked compassion. I didn't take that too well at the time (a clear sign that she was right,) but eventually I understood and thanked her for pointing that to me. Seeing the world through the eyes of Love is the quintessential goal of all practices of self-discovery, and in this beautiful post by @miriannalis, we can get a bit more perspective on how we get there. ###
[Compassion, an aspect of the heart chakra](


Speaking of transformations, @selfhelp4trolls not only entered a new stage in his life, he also shifted his focus to a different account, more in line with what he wants to accomplish in the platform. In this post, he also talks about compassion, the one that we should exercise toward ourselves in order to accept and improve upon our experience, our knowledge and our skills. ###
[Mediocrity is worse than death for some](


Let's send a big hug to @mamrita, who's been feeling a bit down of late with all the cold in Sweden on top of lockdown restrictions. In this new post, she talks about her experience of the past couple of months, dealing with her health and isolation, yet always focusing on what she wants to accomplish, on the next goals in her career and his personal life. I applaud her courage and candor! ###
[Dreaming big in my loneliness](


I've never done a dietary regime in my life, I must thank my metabolism and general good health for that, but I did consume a lot of crap food for years. Everything changed when I started exercising regularly, my body, emotions and thoughts quite naturally took on a different quality. This is the point @zo3d makes in this post: if you aim for a makeover, change your entire lifestyle. ###
[Healthy lifestyle vs. diet](


To finish off this edition of Lotus Love, this awesome contribution by @livinguktaiwan jumped right out of the screen for me. As she explains, she originally started it as a travel post but ended up talking about traditional foods instead. It's packed with amazing images and full of useful, fascinating information. Don't forget to check out the rest of her blog! ###
[Exploring some potential superfoods from Taiwan](


##### In this and every curation, we set up one of our delegators as 5% beneficiary. This time I randomly picked @thelaundrylady


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Originally posted here:

Winners for the February Love Challenge!
##### Aw, what a month of love. From puppies to perfect love matches, mouth watering food to self care, our feeds have been filled with LOVE - much needed in the world right now! I hope you all had fun. Here were the entries. If yours was missed, check if you put the link under [this post]() as outlined in the guidelines from last week. I'm only human so it's super hard to keep up with all your brilliance. Thanks to @phoenixwren for her help with the challenge this month - I've set you a little beneficiary on this post as a big thankyou! Beneficiaries also go to @blackberryskunk for making me drool with her tiramisu post and @karmadorje and @miriannalis for your heart chakra posts. Damn, why can't I reward everyone? Next time!


[Devotion as an Expression of Love]( by @phoenixwren [Life Lessons All We Need is Love]( by @pavanjr [Vegan Aphrodesiac, Made with Love]( by @blackberryskunk [Loneliness Love and Mental Health]( by @phoenixwren [Physical and Psychological Aspects to Admire About Yourself]( by @danielapevs [First Date]( by @danielapevs [The Power of Caresses]( by @miriannalis [The Heart Chakra Anahata]( by @karmadorje [It's Not Just Roses It's an Elixir for Life]( by @rafabvr [A Story of Self Love and Perseverance and Courage]( by @isabelpena [Love for Health]( by @phoenixwren [February of Love]( by @angelica7 [7 Day Love Challenge]( by @soyunasantacruz [Breakfast with the Love of My Life]() by @soyunasantacruz [Feb Love Challenge]( by @aguilaazul7777 [Love Shouldn't Be a Prison]( by @blackberryskunk [The Energy of Love and How it Transforms Us]( by @soyunasantacruz [Lessons of Life is Freedom]( by @pavanjr [What Valentines Day Means to Me]( by @soyunasantacruz [Self Care Routine]( by @soyunasantacruz [Love is a Choice]( by @blackberryskunk [Its All About the Love]( by @trucklife-family [Compassion: An Aspect of the Heart Chakra]( by @miriannalis [Love in A Wrong Time & Place]( by @olivia808 [Langauges of Love]( by @lizelle #### It's always super hard to judge these entries as I love the energy that goes into all of them and think you are all wonderful. Of course, I have to look at whether you've adhered to the rules, but I'm also looking for the quality and thoughtfulness that you put into it, and whether you've won recently or not (although if your post is amazing I'll discount that!). I'm often looking for something really interesting or that 'wows' me or moves me - yes, it's SO subjective, even though I try my hardest to be balanced! *Whilst damn, I really wanted to reward the tiramisu post for finding a way to ~~my heart ~~ my stomach heart, it was ultimately these posts that moved me, and many of the curators, the most.* @olivia08's heartbroken post about longing and being lied to in a recent online courtship was a deeply personal story, and she's so brave for sharing. It's a reminder that love isn't always warm and fuzzy, but can be difficult, embarrassing and something to feel shame over. We hope that this little boost of LOVE from our community will help her feel how special she is. Thanks for sharing, Nanay. @phoenixwren's post on loneliness and mental health came at a timely moment around Valentines Day. It's not easy to see everyone's declarations of love when they don't feel it themselves. This post, her post on devotion as an expression of love, and her engagement with the community and the love she shares through service made her a clear winner too. Thankyou for being so compassionate and warm, @phoenixwren. Your sense of social justice is such an expression of true love that I am humbled before it. @isabelpena's post about her brother and how he worked hard to lose weight is a testament to the power of self love and love of family. # Each of you will find 35 HIVE in your wallet - thanks so much for entering. #### For the rest of you, I hope that you don't feel unloved - each of your posts was precious and special, and we hope you'll enter for the next challenge, finding reward in the community and with the little gestures we can extend to you. Each of your posts are always considered for upvotes, reblogs, tweets and tips, and even @ocd and @curangel nominations! # Until next time, @riverflows.


Earn Instantly For Writing Natural Health Content

**Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on []( If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for `FREE` [here]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us on our [Welcome Page](!** [Delegate]([Community]([Discord]( [


Originally posted here:

Gene:feeling to tall or too short
Line up shortest to tallest!" the teacher calls out. "Not again," some kids might groan — especially if they have to stand at one end or the other. For most kids, height isn't something they can change, so what do you do if you don't like how tall or short you are? It might be girls feeling too tall and boys feeling too short. But some really tall boys might not like all that height and some shorter girls might get tired of all the jokes or of feeling like they're staying little while their friends are growing up. It's in Your Genes But the truth is that everyone is growing up — it's just that they're doing it at their own pace. In other words, your body grows on its own schedule. You can't wish yourself taller or stretch yourself. Or if you're already tall, you can't do anything to hurry your friends up so you're not the tallest one. For kids concerned about their height, there are two big questions: When will I grow taller (or stop growing)? How tall will I be? Your genes, which you inherited from your parents, largely determine how tall you will end up being and how fast you'll grow. Kids get taller more quickly during growth spurts, times when their bodies grow fast — as much as 4 inches or more in a year during puberty, for example! When Does Height Happen? Your biggest growth spurt happened when you were a baby. In that first year of life, you grew about 10 inches as you got bigger and stronger. Since then, you've probably seen your height increase a few inches a year. You might find out how much you've grown during your annual checkup at the doctor's office or when your pants get too short. Uh, oh — we can see your ankles! After babyhood, the next big growth spurt for kids comes during puberty, a time of many changes when boys and girls grow bigger and start to look more like adult men and women. But no one can tell you exactly when you'll experience these changes. Puberty starts at different ages for different kids and it is a process that takes a couple of years. So the getting taller part will happen at different ages, depending on the kid, and whether he or she is a boy or a girl. In general, puberty starts: between ages 8 and 13 in girls between 9 and 15 in boys During puberty, boys and girls will have a growth spurt and grow to their adult height. So that means girls who start puberty the latest will still be getting taller in their mid-teens. For boys, the latest to reach puberty will still be getting taller into their late teens. A few of these boys may grow taller even into their early twenties! How Tall Will I Be? You might want to know how tall you will be. Will you be nose to nose with your mom or dad someday? There's no way to know for sure how tall a kid will be as an adult, but it's easy to get a clue: Look at your parents and the other adult members of your family. How tall are they? Chances are you'll be around the same height as your parents. If one parent is tall and one short, then you're likely to end up somewhere in between. But you could be taller or shorter, too. Boy, there are a lot of "buts" when it comes to height! That's because your height is determined by your genes — the complicated code of instructions that you inherit from your parents. Genes tell your body how to grow and determine lots of things, including how tall you are. But those genes don't make you an exact copy of your mom or dad. Kids only get some of the genes from each of their parents, and parents don't give the same bunch of their genes to each kid. If you have brothers and sisters, you know this is true. Brothers and sisters can look very different even though you have the same parents. Even identical twins can end up being different heights! Height-Related Worries Here are some things some short or tall kids might have to deal with: You're too short to ride the rides you want to ride at an amusement park. This one is upsetting. You're all ready to board the super-fast roller coaster and the ride operator says you're too small. Sometimes, you will be allowed to ride with an adult, so try to have one handy. You still have to use a booster seat in the car. Though you haven't used a car seat for a long time, older kids are supposed to use a booster seat until they are 4-feet-9-inches tall. The seats are meant to position the seat belt properly in case of a crash. If your friends don't have to use one and you do, you might feel funny about it. On the plus side, sitting higher makes it easier to see and might help if you get carsick and need to keep looking out the window. You're a girl who's taller than the boys. This can make a girl feel awkward, especially when it comes time to be paired up, like at a school dance. Eventually, this evens out, but it takes a little while because many girls have their growth spurts before the boys do. Someone teases you about being too tall or too short. This kind of teasing is the worst. You can't change your height, so what are you supposed to do? As with most teasing, try not to let it bother you. Tell a teacher, parent, or another adult if it's bothering you and the person won't stop. What Can I Do Right Now? If you are still worried about your height, talk to your parents and your doctor. Most kids don't have a growth problem that needs help from a doctor, but it's always OK to ask if you're concerned. So for most kids, it seems like there's not much to do but wait to see how it all turns out. But you can do something right now: Eat healthy and take care of yourself. If you get the nutrition, sleep, and exercise you need, you're likely to reach your maximum potential height. In other words, you'll grow as tall as you were meant to grow. And even though you may hear people say it, taking extra vitamins or supplements that you can buy in a store won't help you get taller. Just stick to a healthy diet if you want to be the tallest you can be! Kids who wish they weren't so tall should still eat healthy and take care of themselves, of course. Eating less won't make you end up any shorter unless you really starved yourself and made yourself sick. As they get older, most kids learn to feel comfortable with their height, whether they turn out tall, short, or somewhere in between.
Originally posted here:

My son got diagnosed having aplastic anemia. This is his story #4.
Dear friends and family, hive community, Hello you, how are you? I hope everything is doing great for you. If you are following my post yesterday, you know that currently we are waiting for tomorrow, where an ambulance will send us to the capital hospital. It's a boring day says Ray. Since I didn't allow him playing games for more than 20 minutes. You know, it's not a good idea to hand him an android phone and let him play for hours. It will make him irritated, his mood will swing, and more obvious it will make him emotionally unstable. He is not always like this before, that's the changes that I see to him since his AA getting worse. So, to fill his boredom, I give him Bible. He ask a lot while he is reading. I tried my best to answer him. There is time I say I don't know. Well, It's the Bible, not everyone can fully understand everything in it.



This is Ray, reading the Bible on his bed. While me, I'm eating my instant mee and a glass of coffee for my breakfirst. What do you eat for your breakfirst today? Don't worry, Ray eating healthy food and not instant mee.



Thank you so much for reading. Thanks in advance for upvoters, rebloggers, donations, and not to forget to downvoters, thanks. I already withdraw all the HIVE in my wallet. It should be in my local bank account in a few days. Ray shouts in happiness for that amount of money he get. Thank you so much. I will make a full appreciation list later, like I always do, because the blogs that I wrote about Ray's story #3, and the recent one about his younger brother, Rex, is still voteable. The lists might not stop yet or it might stop already, I don't know, new upvoters and downvoters might adds up. So, I will do it later. Okay? Smile. Thank you so much, see you next time. Take care and all the best. Bye.
Originally posted here: