Friday, July 17, 2020

Top 3 Daily Health Tips For Good Health - Simple & Easy to Follow...
Hey Guys; Are you concerned about your health and are you willing to go that extra mile for good health? Then this is an article and the small motivational clipping that showcase the top 3 daily health tips is definitely for you.


It is very important that we inculcate and create healthy habits to improve our overall well-being. A healthy habit could be anywhere from doing 10 - 20 minutes excise daily, it could be in the form of doing Yoga or even could be weight lifting will depend from person to personal taste. But the jest is that you need to be doing any form of physical exercise that you like daily without fail. In this post, I share with you all my Top 3 Picks for Good Health. These are simple and easy to follow tips that should definitely help a person to be healthy, fit, and wealthy and finally keep those diseases far away from their body. So here is the list of:: ###
Top 3 Daily Health Tips For Good Health...
### Healthy Habit #1 - Exercise Daily Find a workout you can stick to and enjoy. Sometimes all you need is a quick 15-minute workout to build strength. One thing that I can assure you is that when you do workout daily at least try it out for 45 days you will notice a drastic change in your body. This means you will feel lighter, full of energy and there is going to a glow on your face as well.


A person just needs to stick to the plan and workout daily that's the main mantra. Doing it for a day or two isn't going to help. Select your favorite time of the day and ensure you are sticking to your exercise plan and doing it daily for the best results i.e. good overall health. My favorite exercise is Yoga and I do it daily for at least 30 minutes. Once Yoga is done, I do guided mediation, which is Isha kriya from Sadhguru. ### Healthy Habit #2 - Good/Nice Sleep - Sleep Well The first question that comes to mind here is that; **How Much Sleep Do We Need?** The simple and answer and according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) it is recommended to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Did you know getting enough sleep makes you more productive the next day? You would have noticed yourself when you do not sleep well, then the next day you feel lethargic and your day doesn't go well. And that's primarily coz. of lack of sleep.


One health tip here; if you do not get sleep - Avoid nicotine completely. There are other ways to get you to sleep. But you should be avoiding nicotine as much as possible. Try it! Go to bed early and wake up at the same time every day. It's a good habit to keep and directly helps in maintaining a good overall health system.

### Healthy Habit #3 - Eat Healthy and Balanced meals. You must be knowing this famous proverb; which goes like this:: **Eat healthy to be healthy, wealthy and wise.** Its recommended and suggested to having healthy portions of protein, carbs, and vegetables. Make sure to snack responsibly too. When I say snack responsible it means try avoiding fried foods like french fries and other fired items as much as possible. Lets quickly look into; **What is a balanced diet?** A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the nutrition you need, most of your daily calories should come from: fresh fruits & vegetables; have fresh salads daily whole grains legumes nuts lean proteins meat, fish, eggs Cereals & Millets Its also recommended to have your balance diet chard prepared from your dietician and strictly follow it. ### Top 3 Daily Health Tips For Good Healthy #health #healthtips #healthdear #top3healthtips ### Stay Happy & Healthy... For more information tied to Health-related articles; More about Health tips? Simple & Easy to make Healthy recipes? Natural Health remedies? Visit my Website [HealthDear]( Best Regards
PS::- All images, artwork, graphics, videos, and other stuff are my original work. And is created using the license version of Pro Canva
Originally posted here:

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