Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Making Smoothie With Moringa Powder
Hope you are all healthy at this time of the pandemic. I have a couple of contents to share but due to our stress-days of moving home, I have less time blogging. The carpenters have installed the new kitchen, am so glad that little by little we are having a progress in our new home.


## Moringa Oleifera Today, I am sharing about a smoothie I made with Moringa powder.... it´s from dried Moringa leaves. According to many researches , it gives plenty of health benefits. The whole tree/plant as such is a good source of many nutrients. The leaves are very versatile in terms of usage. My mom added fresh Moringa leaves to her *Tinolang Manok*, a Philippine soup that is combined with chili leaves, ginger, green papaya, main ingredient of which is chicken cut into parts, boiled and simmered. Sadly, back home at my Mom´s backyard, we have had an old Moringa tree that was cut off in connection with the house renovation, I felt so odd about the cutting since it was a very old one.


*Moringa Leaves images - courtesy of @jurich60*
## The Moringa Leaves - Nutritional Value > The leaves of M. oleifera are rich in minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and copper. Vitamins like beta-carotene of vitamin A, vitamin B such as folic acid, pyridoxine and nicotinic acid, vitamin C, D and E are also present in M. oleifera of 100 grams . [Source:](,oleifera%20%5B8%5D.) ### Below is an informative table that differentiates the various state of Moringa

Screenshot 2020-07-15 20.27.00.png

### A Kilo of Moringa Powder... I ordered 1 Kilo of Moringa powder online which probably could last for a while. According to the suggestion of the manufacturer, 5 grams of the powder is enough for a daily dose. But as there are not much evidence to the claim about its health benefits, one should take necessary precautions as to not to overdose with the prescribed amount of daily dosage of 5 grams or 3 grams twice a day. The best thing is to try it first and continue as far as wellness is concerned as each person might react otherwise. I have been taking it for 1 week now making smoothies with greek yogurt and I found out that I sleep well in the night. The only thing that is a bit odd is the bitter taste of the powder, but one gets used to it as time goes...


At any rate, I will have to experiment on the benefits if I were to use it for a longer period of time... will I have an improvement of my health and wellness? Only time will tell and I would have to take note of those health improvements. I will post update on the pros and cons of course.


### 2 - 3 Teaspoons Moringa Powder... To make my smoothie, I sometimes used freshly pressed oranges (the one that is being pressed at the supermarkets) I also add kiwi, apple or avocado and processed them thru the blender ... at times I also used parsley or celery. It depends on what fruits I have for the day and if I have bananas, I would simply put 1 banana and add other fruits and mineral water with about 2-3 teaspoons (equivalent to 5 grams) of the Moringa powder. To make it sweeter, I add stevia powder or stevia liquid. If the consistency becomes thick, I add more water or skimmed or low fat milk. If you are vegan, mineral water would do.



### Ice Candy I made ice candy out of the rest smoothie I make like below and froze them... they remind me of my younger days especially when it was hot during the Summer months as they were so popular in school. I also remember I and my older brother made them and sold them in our neighborhood. We split the profit and used the money to buy anything we liked.


**If you would like to know more about the health benefits of the Moringa plant, here are some article references that you might like to read.** 1. []( 2. []( 3. []( 4. [moringa-new-superfood-to-know](

GIF by @Gremayo.gif

Originally posted here:

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