Saturday, July 25, 2020

Balcony Gardening #3 Veggies ready in 3 days
# *Veggies ready in only 3 days*

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I know it sounds unbelievable, but this really works. A few months ago I've bought sprouts at the supermarket. The same evening I wanted to prepare a nice dinner, but I smelled something strange. The sprouts were already yeasting! Okay, this was the last time I ever bought sprouts in the supermarket. I didn't realized that this is so easy. How can I be so stupid that I never tried this before? So if you like sprouts .. just follow these easy steps in 3 days you will have the best, crunchy sprouts you're ever had in your life. Sprouts are very healthy. They contain a lot of nutrients, antioxidants and plant based protein. Sprouted mung beans contain more antioxidants and amino acids than the full grown beans.

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First you need to start with the beans. You can buy dried mung beans. Put them in a jar and let them soak in water overnight. Make sure you put the in a dark place if you're doing this during the day. After 12 hours your beans are ready to sprout. The few ones that float in your jar are bad ones. You don't need to use these. Okay ... This is day one. Put the beans in a strainer. Rinse them very good with water. I put a wet towel on top of them. You can also use a plate. This will make the sprouts thicker. If you don't put weight on them, they will grow into long very thin sticks. Put the strainer in a bigger bowl (or but a deep plate under it) and cover it from any light that might come in. If you use a towel, make sure it's a thick and dark one. If you don't block out the light, your sprouts will turn green instead of white.

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But them somewhere in a darker place. (I just leave mine on the kitchen workspace, out of direct sunlight). The only thing you have to do now is to rinse them in the morning and evening. This is very important to avoid bacteria growing on it. You will be surprised to see how easy the grow each day.

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After 3 (in some cases 4) days you can start using your sprouts. The little green "shells" from your beans will be at the bottom of your strainer. If you eat them raw in a salad or on a sandwich, make sure to rinse them with water! You can keep the sprouts in your fridge for 3 days. Make sure to store them in a ziplock bag or in a container. Here you go ... easy peasy and I'm sure you will never buy those sprouts in the supermarkets again.

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*Enjoy and stay healthy!*
Originally posted here:

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