Friday, July 17, 2020

Why You Should Be Laughing Everyday
Nobody can deny that they feel good when they laugh. Even in the worst of situations, laughing in the face of danger can be beneficial. You may laugh at me for this, but I participate in a group that gets together to just laugh. When my cholesterol went up I searched "how to lower cholesterol" on the web and, to my surprise, I found laughter as a cure. After joining the laughter group, my cholesterol has been going down along with my blood pressure, triglycerides, and weight. A study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center supports the saying that laughter is the best medicine. In the study, 300 people were given a survey. 150 of those people had suffered a heart attack or coronary bypass surgery while the other half had no heart disease. The survey found that the people who had heart attacks generally did not laugh as much as the people that had no heart disease. This shows a link between laughter and a healthy heart. source People with healthier hearts are generally people that laugh more. This is why there are yoga groups that are dedicated to laughing, groups like the one I'm in that laugh together, and even laugh therapists. This is also why humans generally like to be around funny people. I know I wouldn't want to hang out with an emotionless goth for a whole day. If you want to protect your heart then do the recommended stuff like exercising and eating a diet low in saturated fat, but also add some laughter into your schedule.
Originally posted here:

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