Friday, July 24, 2020

Healthy Harold - Life Education | Healthy Harold - 生活教育
Hi Everyone / 大家好, When I was back in primary school, one of the highlights in the year would be seeing Healthy Harold. He is a cute giraffe who lives in a van and he visits all the schools around the country and give students informative information about their healthy and life. Now that I have my own kids and he is in Kindy, I was surprised that Healthy Harold is still around. This week Baby E came home with a pamphlet and a packet of seeds from Harold. > 以前讀小學每年最期待就是去看 ‘Healtht Harold’. Harold 是一隻非常可愛的長頸鹿公仔而他會連同一個大貨 Van 到好多小學給小學生一些資料讓他們可以健康地成長. 今個星期 BB E 告訴我認識了 Harold 而且拿了一些資料和一包種子回家說是 Harold 送給他的.


Harold is a friendly giraffe who gives great information to kids of all ages in primary school from eating healthy, looking after themselves, building relationships, what to do in different situations and most importantly, where to get him if they need help. Things have changed dramatically from when I knew Harold as they come in a van and each class will visit Harold get we get to learn more about these different topics over the years. The aim is give a positive message to all kids with lots of materials available online. > 這個公仔長頸鹿好受小朋友歡迎.這個機構主要對象是小學生,教他們一些生活資料例如怎樣可以讓自己更健康, 吃什麼東西會有營養,怎樣照顧自己,怎樣認識朋友而最重要就是如果有危險可以去年來找人幫忙等等. 以前我上學的時候都會用好多不同簡單方式讓小朋友明白他們的訊息但現在網路非常方便所以他們都會用這個方式讓小朋友可以多一資料.

IMG_3189.JPG Healthy Harold's Van / Harold 的貨車 [source]( This year, Harold gave Baby E’s class a packet of carrot seeds and hope by next year when they see Harold again, they would have eaten some of the their own produce. Carrot can be grown all year round which is perfect to start in any season. The class teacher introduced the growing process of the vegetable and why it is good for their healthy and body. I am so glad Healthy Harold is still around so I can share some of my memories with Baby E and was shocked I knew Harold for so many years! > 今年 Harold 給每一位小朋友一包紅蘿蔔種子說希望下一年見面的時候可以分享一些自己種食物的故事. 紅蘿蔔可以什麼時候都可以種所以 BB E 的班主任就用這個機會教小朋友怎樣可以在家裏種一些蔬菜. 當 BB E 知道我小時候已經認識 Harold 他有點愕然但非常開心可以跟我一齊傾 Harold 教他們班的資料.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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