Thursday, July 30, 2020

My Favourite Remedy when I have sore : Honey Lemon
Hello Hello... How's everyone doing during this pandemic? Hope you all have been well and healthy. I have been MIA from hive for a few months, been busy with my own stuff and recovering from Dengue. Due to too much of Bak Ku Teh last week, I started having a sore throat yesterday. Therefore, I started making Honey Lemon drinks. I'm gonna show you how I make Honey Lemon and you can do it too. It is simple and easy, you can drink it all day too if you're bored with just drinking plain water. **Ingredients** - 1 whole Lemon - 1 tablespoon of Honey - 1 liter of Warm Water


In this jug, I use 1 whole lemon and use a tablespoon to press the lemon.


After that, I add 1 tablespoon of the honey into the jug


Lastly, I pour warm water (around 40 - 45-degree celsius) and stir it. Easy isn't it? After I finish drinking the whole jug of honey lemon, I will add more water and drink it for the whole day. What your homemade remedy when you have a sore throat? Have a great weekend ahead..
Originally posted here:

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