Thursday, July 23, 2020

My Experience With Alternative Treatments for Thyroid Disease

A few years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and hypothyroid. I was putting on weight fast, feeling tired and cold but the final straw came when I stood in my local dollar store completely disoriented and confused about where I was and why I was there. My skin was sallow and constantly dry and the throat pain was becoming unbearable. When I finally made an appointment, it didn't take long for my physician to zero in on my thyroid and name it the culprit.

I probably shouldn't have been surprised. My biological mother had thyroid issues, only hers was the hyperthyroid (the kind that makes you skinny but scattered). Sadly it took years to get myself feeling like well myself. I went from one thyroid replacement pill to the next, in varying doses. I began with 25mcg (which did nothing) to today's dosage of 150 mcg. (I feel normal most days.) Still, after doing some research, I discovered that I could encourage my thyroid to function with some alternative treatments. I've had some success and have seen many of those symptoms diminish but if I'm not careful, they do return.

If you're exploring your options I encourage you to do so. Chances are, like me, y you won't be able to live a healthy life without medication but some proactive steps could diminish your dosage.

First, I did my research. I was surprised to find that stress plays a huge role in thyroid treatment. If I was to live a healthier life, I had to get a hold of the unremittent stress. Meditation and deep breathing exercises were recommended but I chose the prayer path instead. I pray daily (most of the time) and I do feel less stressed. It takes some discipline and I've not perfected this yet but I continue to avoid stressors (like taking on too much work or arguing with a family member) whenever I can.

Next, I "got real" about my nutrient deficit. Healthy thyroid function requires a range of nutrients, the most important being selenium, iodine and folic acid. I wasn't getting enough iodine which was essential for a healthy thyroid. I looked for spices that contained additional iodine. I made a commitment to eat a salad each day. I also knew I needed more vitamin B so I began taking a multivitamin and eating more root vegetables and fish.

I also began exercising 30 minutes each day. Some days it's a trip to the gym to cruise the treadmill, other times I dance around my living room. In the beginning I had to force myself to get off the couch but not I am so glad I did. I feel so much better.


I don't recommend skipping your medicine. I tried that, replacing the medicine with Echinacea. This herb does help boost your immune system but it is a supplement, not a replacement treatment.

Originally posted here:

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