Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Mosquito and Germs Life cycle

**Hello everyone. its your Friend @ridoykhan22**
**There is no animals in the world, including insects, that is not to be feared, and this animal is a small insect. We know many kinds of insects, but this first movement is an insect that belongs to the Incepta family. this is very deadly. We all know that mosquitoes are very small in size, but they can reproduce very easily. And one of the great features of this is that they eat human blood including animals .they live by eating blood. How deadly is that?** ## Mosquito Mosquito is an animal of Arthropoda. We generally know that artropod animals have pairs of legs and most arthropods have three pairs of legs. as mosquitoes, although there are many species of mosquitoes that we know very easily. One is Culex and the other is Anaflex. mosquitoes are a very harmful animal because we know them very well because they carry viruses of different diseases and these germs enter the human body in different ways. A full-grown mosquito usually survives 3 to 5 days. ## Germs This mosquitoes are very dangerous because they are carrying different kinds of germs. as usual. They are carrying virus. The most common is that dengue fever and malaria and filariasis and the most dangerous is Dengue fever . now have a look at which mosquito carry this virus.....
**Aedes : Dengue, Zika virus, Chikungunya** **Anopheles : Malaria** **Culex : West Nile virus** **Aedes : Yellow fever**
mosquito have piercer there mouth. mosquito absorbs blood from the body of different animals including human. It usually enters the skin of the human or the body of different animals and from there it absorbs blood from the body of human and different animals. These viruses enter the animal's body from the time when they bite, and it is often seen that these mosquitoes carry germs in its mouths and carry the germs from one to the other, so you can easily see how dangerous they are.
















## Infect The germs that spread the infection to humans through mosquitoes have a specific rule. In most cases, a simple rule to infect humans is to infected person, when the infected person is bitten by a mosquito. the garm enters the mosquito and stays in the mosquito's body. When the body is bitten, the germs, the virus, enter the body of a healthy person and spread the infection to the body of a healthy person. so the transmission through mosquitoes is very easy. malaria and dengue. Patients with dengue fever or filariasis need to be isolated to reduce the risk of infection . in most cases they are confined to mosquito nets. Not to mention the other issues. malaria is necessary for humans and mosquitoes to complete the life of the malaria virus, if the germs first spread the infection to humans, then grow up there, and then the mosquitoes enter and increase in size and number. it is easy to understand that so we have to control mosquito strictly. **Lets kill mosquito and save ourselves from different kinds of disease** ##
Thanks for your time
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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@ridoykhan22/mosquito-and-germs-life-cycle

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