Monday, July 27, 2020

How my life took a turn for the worse
# **So**....... *This is me*..... *Here i am testing and hoping for ~*Italic*~good results~~*......... But.... ## **How did i even end up here**.


From my last post u already know my life took a hard turn 2 years ago. But let me paint you a picture for you to understand. ### **I have always been fit**. For as long as i can remember i was always active. I played folly ball, football (soccer), did some swimming, even some judo and taekwondo. ### **I was a very active kid** But as i grew older, i started to have less time, and ~~more excuses~~ for why i ~~would not work out~~, or simply do something to keep me active. I got to a point in 2017 where i looked like this:


Yeah that is my actual ~~belly~~! The day i took this picture i realized that ~~i could not~~ could continue like this. Trust me when i say this, if motivation does not come from within, you will not be motivated to do stuff. Because their where a lot of people to that point that told me that i was gaining weight. But i could not see it. Until this point. **I started** going to the gym with ~~little to no knowledge~~ of working out, or what equipment to use.


Yeah these were my workout clothes. **Within 2 years (from 2017 to 2019 i got in to the best shape of my life)** And no there is ~~no formula~~ to my success. All i did is work hard towards my goals and kept track of my progress.


This is me trying to be the next~~mister Suriname~~ lol


And this is me being an **LEVIS AMBASSADOR** (something i will tell you about in my next post) ### So you could say i made changes to my life that gave me really good results. But where did it ~~all go wrong?~~ **In 2018** i started noticing that i had problems talking while working out. But because i was working out really hard i just taught that it was a natural thing. But then in 2019 i noticed that i even had this problem when i was walking around for a stroll. So in 2019 i took a **CT HART SCAN** just to be sure my heart was ~~OK~~.


## ~~**Everything was not OK**~~ It turned out that not only did i have **Left ventricular hypertrophy**; *enlargement and thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle)* but also my Left ventricular had an ~~functionality rate of 65%~~ These 2 diagnoses where very strange because i had nothing in my life that could cause these 2 problems. So while i was somewhat of an ~~**medical enigma**~~ my hearth doctor at that time ensured me that things would not and could not get worse. But.. You already know....... # **~~2020~~** In ~~***2020***~~ i noticed that i had problems with my breath all the time. While walking, while standing still and talking and even while working out. **So**....... *This is me*..... *Here i am testing and hoping for ~~good results~~*.........


After 1 month of waiting my results of the MRI Hearth Scan where in; Not only did i have **Left ventricular hypertrophy**; *enlargement and thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle)*, but my whole hearth was enlarged. This due to the fact that my heart needed to work twice as hard to compensate the Left ventricular. But remember that my previous heart doctor told me things would not get worse? My Left ventricular ~~functionality rate~~ **DROPPED** to **45%** So now i am on hearth medicine, i am not allowed to do intense activities (~~no more working out~~) and i need to check my breathing constantly. *While i still try to walk every day. Do mild workouts at home. And try to stay positive.* **It is and continues to be a huge challenge.**


**I still try to keep in shape.** I eat healthy (~~no salts and no fat~~) Almost ~~no alcohol or soft drinks~~. I know i am drinking **PEPSI** in the Picture And i walk every day. **I hope** *my story* inspires you to do 2 things; 1. **Stay fit and healthy.** 2. **Do a full body check up at your doctor at least once a year.** ***Life can take unexpected turns at any moment, and the course it landed on might be difficult but while it sometimes will seem like it, it is never impossible*** -Vincent Polak- # **As always** *I am free to answer any questions You can also add me on Instagram if you want to see some updates about me My Instagram handle is vincentpolak_* And this time i want to give a shout out to @traciyork and @bradleyarrow **Every time i post i will shout out 2 people that replied to my next post.** ~~With meaningful replies of course~~
Originally posted here:

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