Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Health Benefits Of Dates Fruit || How To Prepare Date Paste

Dates are a great source of vitamin A and K which act as antioxidants in the body. Dates also contains tannins, a type of polyphenolic antioxidants which can reduce inflammation and boost immune system functioning.
Our bodies rely on dozens of trace minerals that can only be acquired through the foods we eat. Selenium is one of them and it is also found in Dates though in small amounts. Selenium deficiency can lead to physiological stress that can, in turn, impair tissue health. Therefore, a handful of dates every day is enough to reap the benefits selenium.


Furthermore, Dates contain potassium which can lower the risk of getting stroke, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and kidney stones. Eating dates can also be a good way to replenish your electrolyte levels after engaging in a strenuous workout.
Below is a picture of my own Date paste and how I prepared it. Do not mind my pictures though. I have already eaten out of my own paste. It was sooo delicious.


# HOW TO PREPARE DATE PASTE * Soak Dates in hot water for about 30 - 45mins to make it soft. * After the stipulated time, remove from hot water and break the dates to remove the seeds * Put the Dates without the seeds in a blender * Add about 5 tablespoon of water and blend * Take the paste out from the blender into a plastic container and store in the fridge overnight for preservation


You can spread this paste on bread in place of jam or butter. As for me, I sometimes use it alongside mayonnaise. I really like my Date paste chill from the fridge. Try yours and let me know what you think.
**Eat Healthy | Stay Healthy | Stay Safe**

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@pretydami/health-benefits-of-dates-fruit-or-or-how-to-prepare-date-paste

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