Thursday, July 23, 2020

Healthy bread
Hello All,


Because I cannot eat sugar or anything made with white flour, buying bread in the Philippines is a no-go for me. But I'm from Belgium and we love our daily bread. So I started making my own bread here. My favorite tool in the kitchen is an Airfryer. It's hard to find good quality flour here, so I had mine sended over from Belgium. I took it the easy way and I went for the breadmix. The one I'm using is with spelt flour and had seeds in it. But as always, I cannot follow the guidelines and have to give it my own twist. So every time I make a bread I add some chia seeds to it. Since a couple of weeks I also added different chopped nuts to it. So the result is a very healthy bread. I make little ones with only 200 gram of flour. I'm alone here and because it's based on spelt and enriched with the seeds and nuts it's a very filling bread. I can eat 5 times of 1 loaf. How to make it? Take the amount of flour and add water to it (according the package). With some breadmixes you also have to add yeast. I use the dry yeast, because that's the only one I can find. Put everything in a big bowl and make your hands dirty! In the beginning I was using a mixer to make the dough, but now I do it with my hands. To me this is a better way because you can "feel" the dough en if needed add a bit of water of flour. Mix everything together. this process will take about 10 minutes. Then you put the dough in some cling wrap (not too thight) and let it rest on the worktop for 40 minutes. Now the yeast will start doing his part of the job. You can take a rest, drink a coffee, read the paper or whatever.


After 40 minutes you will see that the dough has expanded. Good, the yeast is working. Now it's time to do the second kneading. This only takes 5 minutes. When that's done, take your mold and put some wax paper in it. Now put the dough into the mold and cover it again with your cling wrap. Wait another 40 minutes. After the second yeasting you're ready to start baking. I turn my Airfryer on 160 degrees C. (320 F) and let it bake for 35 minutes. Meanwhile enjoy the aroma of fresh bakes bread that will fill your kitchen. When your bread is ready, take it out of the mold and let it cool down. When the bread cooled down, I put the wax paper in a plastic container and put the bread in it. Make sure you have a container you can seal. In the fridge my bread stays fresh for almost a week!

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Give it a try. If you don't have an Airfryer, you can also make this in a traditional oven. Once you tasted you own baked bread, you will never go back to supermarket bread!
Originally posted here:

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