Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Health is wealth || Starting my day with Detox-Water

I always change my food habits, I don't like to eat boring food but there are some mandatory foods which I take every day...I always try to eat healthy food as much as possible maintaining carb, protein, and minerals. I personally think everyone should maintain their health because health is our asset and it's our duty to maintain our health. I am very lazy when it comes to cooking, I always try to find short -cut ways but I never compromise my lunch and dinner. My lunch and dinner have to be heavy and spicy. Basically I take rice, pasta with chicken/ beef whatever I want to eat. I am not a salad person but because of the health, I try to take because, after a certain age, you have to take some specific food for your body.


Different types of fruits are available during summer and we all know that. Different berries, apples, apricots, pears, and many more fruits are available in the market and cheap price too. Summer is the best time for me to take care of my health, no I am not a body-conscious or figure-conscious girl because my body structure is completely different... So, instead of vegetable salad, I make fruits combo every day with lemon. Citrus is my favourite and it is a must for me. So, whatever I prepare, lemon or orange is a must... Now let's talk about detox water...

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Detox water is very popular among those who try to reduce their weight. For me, the entire case is different, I always forget to drink a proper amount of water, in fact, I can't drink plain water so I have chosen detox water instead. If you add fruits into your water and keep it into the freezer overnight, it will be turned into detox water. So, not only I am getting flavored water but also I am taking healthy water as well.
## Reasons for taking Detox Water: - Detox water helps to remove toxins from the body. - Helps to clear the body. - Helps to reduce weight and fitness. - Helps to purify the skin. - Helps to boosts metabolism.


**Just remember one thing, before taking detox water please do some research because there are various types of detox water. And if you want to make it a part of your diet or want to do a detox diet please consult with specialists...**
**Here is some detox water/ infused flavored water I take:** - Lemon + Mint - Cucumber + Lemon + Mint - Orange/Malta + Mint - Strawberries + Orange + Mint On the other hand, if you don't want detox water, you can take infused-water or flavored water by adding fruits.
## Caution : **Not for diabetics, high blood pressure, heart disease, or other chronic conditions. If you are pregnant or have an eating disorder, this is not for you...** **It is recommended to take detox water in the early morning with an empty stomach but if you are making infused water, you can take any time.**
`Please, before taking anything do your own research or consult with your doctor...`
## Love ### Priyan ---


Explore Life with Priyan...



***"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."***


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***Original post written by @priyanarc***... ***All pictures used are captured by the author...***



Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-165469/@priyanarc/health-is-wealth-or-or-starting-my-day-with-detox-water

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