Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Exhaustion And Disappointment Are Two Major Psychological Concerns.(Insights)
Hello my friends and dignified folks of Woderful Gems Community.Good Evening All. We are not Robots or machines.we have limits and we have cross barriers to put ends as we work. Serious loads of works, pressure handling, dealing with business partners, corporate jobs, busy schedules these are a whole lot of sections frequentlly testify our capacity and inflict serious suppression on our brain.


[Source]( Being human we at times screw up our brain and feel like we can't continue longer.Moreover, this mental state produces peevishness, ill temperament, boredom even frustration and anxiety ultimately leading to a consequential exhaustion in our soft mind.


[Source]( Now as we are sedentary workers, in maximum amount of time we are to sit before our desk, sitting in a chair, files and papers all around, Officials and dealers customers or employees hovering around us makes a complete hues and cries. This things and events become routines. everyday, every week 24/7.... On the contrary, people finding no jobs, staying in the house, rejected a dozens time crappy situation results mental frustration and disappointment.its a most common conventional incidents in our society... ★Science behind it : But, Think about this from a psychoanalytic perspective, we can face these problems unknowingly. These are familiar arrangements in our brain. Actually, our brain functions in a round reflective manner. Now, as an expert in this facts, we know that the cerebral cortex (The frontal Lobe) of our brain preserves information, assesses them, controls behavior and acts as a relay station of those stimulation we receive through our sensory neurons.


[Source]( Now, what I found from empirical research that our brain typically deals with emotion in a hyperbolic way. The stimulation you receive jotts in a corner of your frontal lobe, then your emotional pattern interprets it and transcripts those into a sense,ultimately a flurry of neurochemical pathway is followed by billions of neuron in our brain... Thats a neurological concept... So, our brain is typically the same as I mentioned earlier. For more clarity, get more exposition from Brain Cytology. Cellular DNA would be 99.9% identical with one another. But that scanty point blank one percent causes diversity, a phenomenal exception we all have in us. So, its a unique gift from the Almighty. Now, I was speaking about the fact that your emotional intensity and behavioral biological pattern transcribes a different meaning and Multilafarious responses. if you would train yourself you will surely get leverage from your shifting focuse and attain an upper hand in exhaustion management.. in this case,as an expert, i can give you pretty good recommendation about the approach you may make to have a good command in your brain... ★Controlling the Brain : Our Brain is the most unique and mysterious creations on all of the cosmos. wonder of wonders and many more.It do has capacity to train itself and it can nourish itself by its own. So, you might catch a glimpse of that. by context, brain training for the sake of dominance in exhaustion management has a selective approach.Few therapeutic and habitual changes will soothen your brain and willl let it to improve... ♦1. Steady your breathing :- close your eyes and imagine yourself as a sea Albatross flying over the Atlantic ocean, breezes flowing from south direction.let the brain sunk in the horizon. follow the stance repeatedly for 5 minutes. ♦2.Take extra showers: research has found taking extra showers refresh us physically and spirituallly. ♦3.Sleeping soundly :_ its a great way perhaps one of the best way to fully reduce exhaustion.


[Source]( ♦4.Drinking lemonade juices :- Citric acid is the boss of nerve tranquilisers. it generates a fantastic sedative stimulation which favours your mental wellbeing. ♦5.Keep up Smile :_ What is more glorious gift than a gentle full round smile. If you consider "Happiness" as a heavenly feeling, then the prime ingredient of it is a Perfect Smile.. So, create environment for Smile. you can read comic books, jokes, watch melodrama, gossip with friends and retain a healthy state.... ♦6.Listen Melodious Musics :_ Songs that fuses melody can help you get refreshed and recover your state from exhaustion to relaxation. You can even sing your favourite song aloud when you are alone..Your exhaustion and mental peevishness will drive away pretty quick.... ♥Conclusion :_ Now, Friends and Allies, as you are staying in Homes and Houses you are feeling bad and low sometimes. I understand, its a serious perseverance you are upholding. I know, you are doing a great job by protecting yourself and your communities. Hats off to you.. and this few suggestions are for your help.You may adopt this, do write me about your valuable response and opinion.if you find this helpful, please vote and inspire me to write again about other facts.... Thanks all of you. I wish a safe homestaying and hope a healthy state of your body and mind.. take care.. Bye.... See you again...Love you all.....@aunik
Originally posted here:

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