Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The choice is yours!

Healthy eating is one of the most difficult choices in our daily life. No matter how positive we are or health-conscious, more or less we struggle to choose a healthy diet. But, as our diet has a direct connection with our mental health. So, we have to make our choice to live a healthy balanced life.


[Image](https://pixabay.com/photos/eat-food-remove-almost-time-3236971/) **How can we step ahead to make the choices easy for us?** Well, you will find hundreds of helpful content on this what to do, what not to do and probably would find yourself overwhelmed. I'm not a nutritionist nor a health care expert. But this is what I find helpful to me. * Don't rush to adopt healthy eating. We need to understand that it's a gradual process and our mind & body needs time to cope with it. It's never will work if you shift into a new diet all of a sudden. Like, include a salad after your lunch, reduce less oil in cooking. * Don't focus only on diet. A healthy life doesn't only depend on what we eat, it's a total plan. Our major focus should be on diet but if we can't change other habits it will make less impact. Like reducing alcohol intake, going bed early, exercising ie. * Don't skip a day. Yeah, it's the most necessary one. Because we all are familiar with cheat days. But those cheat days are very harmful and sometimes make us stay away from our plan. I wouldn't say, we can achieve our health goal just by following these three rules. But keeping this in mind will help us to stay focus and gradually make a positive change. As I have said at the very beginning, it's hard to make this choice. But it's possible. Our positive intention can give us a healthy life. I hope these tips gonna help you a little bit!
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@zeesh/the-choice-is-yours

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