Tuesday, July 28, 2020

When you're hungry, eat. When you're thirsty, drink. When you're tired, rest.

After [the first treatment that he received of Mrs Porcupine](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@vincentnijman/mrs-porcupine-aka-my-acupuncture-experience-part-1), Hypersensitivosaurus had felt extremely energized. That feeling had lasted for a day or two. And then the opposite happened... He woke up with a head full of snot and started sneezing a lot - something he hardly did when healthy. Throughout the day, he kept blasting bacilli and mucus all over his cave floor and, worse of all, he seemed to be without the strength or enthusiasm to clean up after himself. This continued on for a couple of days. He also felt extremely tired. So much so, in fact, that he slept two hours after lunch, every single day. And, aside from all that, he just couldn't focus. Not even on the simplest of tasks. For once in his life, he just wished that he could actually do less without feeling bad about that lack of so called 'productivity'. His body clearly needed to rest and it told him to take it easy. He hadn't listened to it for way too long and it was screaming now. It was time to change this around, to really be attentive. https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png ##### Feeling low on energy and high on snot didn't make him less inspired though. He felt a strong urge to write, but a lower back pain made it almost impossible to sit down. And then he was reminded of his sweaty little friend - Otter...
[Remember that guy from 'otter nonsense'?](https://peakd.com/hive-174301/@vincentnijman/otter-nonsense-using-speech-to-text-software)


https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png He decided to get back in touch with Otter - who he hadn't seen in a month or two - hoping that his friend could transcribe for him. It was Summer though and, logically so, Otter felt like spending a lot of time in the water. So, it was tough to get a hold of the guy. At times like these, Hypersensitivosaurus wished that he could hire somebody like Otter full time, to transcribe for him. He might not always be able to write physically, but the inspiration was usually there and the worst was not being able to write when he really felt like it. Otter was helping him out for free though - merely because he was one of the few animals around who could actually write ( and listen ) and because it was one of his passions - and therefore Hypersensitivosaurus just needed to make do with an hour or so of transcription time, once or twice a week. He needed to make the best of the couple of hours when Otter wasn't at the river, when the hairy little fellow wasn't swimming or sweating. https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png

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https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png ##### It's Good to Be Sick Anyhow, it was easy to blame Mrs Porcupine for his lack of energy his change in health - it was always easy to blame others or otters - but, instead, he decided to just be happy with the fact that there was a lot happening inside his body, these days. Mrs. P had clearly triggered something in him, with her needles, and this imbalance was exactly what need(l)ed to happen. There was a lot of work to do and he was up for it. His next appointment with her was postponed for a week and - although he was looking forward to seeing her - it was alright. This week would give him the chance to level up even more and get the necessary rest. https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png

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https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png >when you're hungry, eat when you're thirsty, drink when you're tired, rest Great advice, difficult to follow up on, for most people. easy peasy for animals and human babies. Very wise words by some wise man or woman. https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/vincentnijman/WsYOv5Tx-image.png
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@vincentnijman/when-you-re-hungry-eat-when-you-re-thirsty-drink-when-you-re-tired-rest

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