Monday, July 27, 2020

Substance ABUSE & Harm Reduction
# **What is Harm Reduction** Psychology Today [Psychology Today]( "Harm reduction" is an approach to treating those with alcohol and other substance-use problems that does not require patients to commit to complete abstinence before treatment begins. Instead, an array of practical strategies are deployed to reduce the negative health and social consequences of substance use, and psychotherapy aims to change behavior according to the goals of each patient, whether moderation of use or complete abstinence.

Ear Candy Music Community on HIVE Network

Ear Candy Music Community is a community being built on the HIVE Blockchain as a partner and creator of a new community soon to come to HIVE we have not set the name or the stage yet it is in early development, but the main focus and topic will be "Harm Reduction" and "recovery" in substance and medical conditions, treatments, and procedures.

Harm reduction supports, and encourages abstinence in addiction treatment. However, harm reduction approaches do not require abstinence and encourage daily healthier improvements in the addict's recovery.

# **[Harm Reduction International]( writes in the article below.** # **What is harm reduction?** **There is no universally accepted definition of harm reduction. The below lays out Harm Reduction International’s position on this issue based on our years of work on drug use, public health and human rights, and incorporates views shared by partner organisations.** Now I am not advocating drug use or abuse quite the opposite, its all about celebrating the small improvements on a daily or even hourly basis. Reducing the harm and staying healthier or even alive is the most important aspect here. There are many tools and ways to help one along the way to health and recovery, and music is a very healthy form of expression for both the artist and listener and can promote healthier choices and lifestyles. Ear Candy Music plays everything music and builds custom playlists for members that purchase custom playlists from [Deuceman]( on the HIVE network. This is Deuceman Signing out for now, Come Join the project we are just in the very early stage development and could use more brains and bronze. [Ear Candy Music Community.](
Originally posted here:

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