Monday, July 27, 2020

Top 5 Natural & Healthy Substitutes for Sugar
You hear the name of the sweets like chocolates, cakes, brownie, ice-creams, marshmallows, various country-specific sweet dishes. And we all get tempted to have some of these sweets. Sugar is a common example of having sweet every day either in the form of Coffee or Tea.


But we are seeing a shift where people have become health conscious and have started having Coffee and Tea without sugar or they substitute sugar with its alternative. It is a known fact that having White sugar is not a healthy choice and brings a lot of danger to our health in some form or the other. Before we get into looking at the Sugar Substitutes, let us have a quick look at:: ### Why white Sugar considered Dangerous for our health?


- Makes Your Blood Acidic - Tooth Decay Problems Arise - Robs Your Body of Minerals - Contributes to Diabetes - Can suppress Your Immune System - Promotes Wrinkling & Aging Skin - Weakens Eyesight - Contributes to Obesity And the list can go on with many other problems. So, I guess you now get an idea of how dangerous is this White Sugar & how slowly it poisons our body. It would not be wrong to say that; White Sugar is a slow poison and we should definitely be looking into the various substitutes of White Sugar. ###
Natural & Healthy Substitutes for Sugar


In this post, I am going to list down Top 5 substitutes of Sugar. So without you having to sacrifice your cravings for sugar, you can try out these Healthy Sugar Substitutes. Nothing can beat natural products and as the name implies they are natural i.e. no adulteration or whatsoever and hence making them the best healthy foods to have at any point in time. Lets now dive into the Top 5 Natural & Healthy Substitutes for Sugar ### White Sugar Substitute No. 1:: Jaggery When sugar is made it goes through the various severe industrial process and in the process of making it loses all its nutritional value and what we get at the end is sucrose. And on the other hand, Jaggery does not lose any of its nutritional value while being prepared and is able to retain the traces of iron, fiber, and various mineral salts. Here is a picture that demonstrates some of the benefits of having **Jagger/GUR**


### White Sugar Substitute No. 2:: Dates There are a different variety of Dates & to name a few they are:: - Barhi - Dayri - Deglet Noor - Halawy - Thoory And many more. I'm not going to get into how these Dates are different from each other. But the point is that Dates are also considered to be a healthy and natural substitute for sugar. The middle east countries produce the best varieties of dates due to tropical weather conditions. Dates are a natural sweetener and are considered a powerhouse of nutrition. And the best part is if Dates are packed properly it can be refrigerated for 10 to 12 months. So whenever you have the Sugar Cravings go to your refrigerator and pick up that juicy date and have one instead of having sweets that have white sugar. Here is a picture that demonstrates some of the benefits of having **Dates**


### White Sugar Substitute No. 3:: Stevia Stevia; so you must be wondering what is this Stevia. I'm hearing it for the first time. Then let me tell you that Stevia is a plant that has sweetness in its leaves. It is said that Stevia leaves have about 300 times more sweetness than sugar. The beauty is that Stevia is low in carbs and calories. and hence makes it a good healthy natural alternative to white sugar. Here is a picture that demonstrates some of the benefits of having **Stevia**


### White Sugar Substitute No. 4:: Honey Honey is delicious and we all love its taste and the best part is instead of white sugar you can use honey as a healthy alternative. It is not just sweet but is also wonderful for our cardiovascular health. Not just that people who wish to shed off those extra kilos should definitely consider adding honey to their diet. On consuming white sugar you tend to gain weight whereas on the other hand when you consume honey you can maintain your healthy weight. Honey is packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and antifungal properties. When compared to other natural sweeteners it's the best alternative to white sugar. You can replace honey with sugar in your tea, coffee, or even lemon water. Here is a picture that demonstrates some of the benefits of having **Honey**


### White Sugar Substitute No. 5:: SugarCane Juice Sugarcane juice is far much better than white sugar, simply because it does not have to pass through a refining process like white sugar. Sugarcane juice is loaded with powerful nutrients like vitamin c, vitamin b, calcium, iron along with manganese, etc. especially during scorching summertime a glass of sugarcane juice will not just quench your thirst but will also provide you energy. Here is a picture that demonstrates some of the benefits of having **SugarCane Juice**



So now that you are fully aware of the disadvantages of White Sugar. And how it affects our body like a slow poison, damaging our different body parts. Its high time that we become cautious from this slow poison and start adopting the listed above; Top 5 Natural & Healthy Substitutes for Sugar. #sugar #avoidsugar #sugarsubstitues #healthdear ### Stay Happy & Healthy... For more information tied to Health-related articles; More about Health tips? Simple & Easy to make Healthy recipes? Natural Health remedies? Visit my Website [HealthDear]( Best Regards


PS::- All images, artwork, graphics, videos, and other stuff are my original work. And is created using the license version of Pro Canva
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