Saturday, July 25, 2020

Gluten-free Recipe // Buckwheat Chia Seeds Bread
#### I was not sure whether could I pull it off as you know, I AM NOT a baker. But, recently my father-in-law had been complaining bloatedness and indigestion that caused him very irritable, uncomfortable and dropped in appetite. He went to see doctor and doctor advised him to minimise bread, or if need to, totally avoid OR choose gluten-free bread. Bread is his staple food everyday, and quite impossible to avoid. Best is to get GF bread. . #### Since then, he had been purchasing GF bread from outside, they were so expensive. Therefore, I had the desire to bake for him. I took time to learn, and finally, I summoned all the courage, bought the ingredients and did this! # Healthy Gluten-Free Buckwheat Bread


I used few days to learn about gluten and watching all types gluten-free bread, mostly are made of rice flour combined with others like tapioca flour and potato starch, with xantham gum. However, I prefer as least ingredients as possible, and as easy simple steps as possible, in view of making it regularly in the future for my in-laws, as well as for my family. ### At last...!!! ## I found the suitable recipe from a YouTuber Christine Salus (special credit to her, you can check her out) # Ingredients - 1.5 cups buckwheat flour (she used buckwheat groats) - 1/4 cup chia seeds - 1 cup water - 10ml additional water (I added as I notice too dry, maybe because I used buckwheat flour instead of buckwheat groats) - 1/2 tsp salt - 1.5 tsp baking powder


# Steps 1. Soak chia seeds with 1 cup water for 20 minutes, it will become glue-y mixture 2. In a mixing bowl, mix the flour, salt and baking powder. I use spoon because it is faster for me. 3. Pour in the glue-y chia seeds mixture into the flour ingredients, mix together. Add the 10ml water and continue to mix until look like somewhat sticky dough. Done. No proofing (just learned this word) according to her recipe video. 4. I saw some other buckwheat bread video with added nuts and seeds, so I added sunflower seeds, the only seeds I have at home. No nuts at home. Next time... 5. Pour into a mould 6. Bake in your pre-heated oven for 1 hour or more than that depends on your oven at 160°C.



My husband took over at the mould part as I attended to my youngest son, not sure why he made the Wolverine slash, haha. Such an interesting pattern.



It didn't have the square bread shape, but look pass the shape, this was heavenly. So fragrant, with its natural nutty flavour from the buckwheat. So yummy on its own! The combination of the flour and chia seeds was superb!


### Then, I made my 2nd piece because I didn't like the Wolverine slash 😜. Also, I wanted to experiment the taste difference by adding 1 teaspoon of brown sugar. # Before oven



# After oven


--- #### My eldest, Jayden, tried and said it was so so so so good. Too bad my youngest still feeling uncomfortable and couldn't eat, or else I think he will love it too. Jayden suggested cheese toast bread.


He cut the cheese into smaller size and are arranged them, then into the toaster oven.


You could literally smell the fragrant!


Two for him. One for me. # Yum! Look at him enjoying while screen-time for 45 minutes (our agreement on screen time)


#### I gave half of each to my in-laws. I am happy that they love it too!!! Yay!!! Okay, I need to buy more buckwheat flour, previously I only bought 500g to try. Finishing... ### Have you tried gluten-free buckwheat chia seeds bread before? If no, please try, it is so nice. Healthy too! #
❤️Love from me❤️


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Originally posted here:

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