Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Getting my coconut on
I've been doing some research into alternative uses for things over the last couple years; I enjoy the feeling of being a little more prepared than most and have made somewhat of a hobby of it. A while back I discovered coconut oil and for a while was simply dropping a spoonful into my morning coffee for the health benefit and cokking with it too; However over time I've come to understand that it has other uses, some of which I've played around with thinking they may be useful sometime. ***im src*** *** #### Refined or virgin Just a word on coconut oil...It tastes like coconut. Yeah I know, *funny that!* I don't mind the taste of it though so have always bought virgin *food-grade* coconut oil which is readily available; I also seek quality over cost. Refined is ok though of course; It has less coconut taste and less health benefits, although it works just as well. Coconut oil is also solid until the temperature reaches about 25C (78F) but that's the good thing as it opens up some of the uses of it I think. Melting it is as simple as using the microwave and in a melted state it is more adaptable when mixing in other things. So, that's coconut oil 101 back there...About all I really know about it, however I thought I'd list a few ways in which I've experimented with it so far. *** #### Getting my coconut on! **Fire starters** - Anyone who reads my posts know I love to camp and camping means fire. In fact *fire is life* to a human, certainly to the early ones it was. So having different ways to light fire is a hobby for me. This is a very simple one...Get some cotton balls and soak them in liquid coconut oil then let it solidify i.e. bring the temperature back down. Store them in a jar and simply place in amongst the wood and tinder of a camp fire, light it and away you go. I tried this out and it works well. The only problem is that the oil turns to liquid at 25C so it can get messy. A zip-loc bag is a suggested way of storing them but it's still messy if they turn to liquid. This is certainly one for cooler climates though and will help your campfire get established quite quickly. (It's safer than throwing on a litre of petrol on too - (Done it, don't recommend it.) **Lotion bar** - I involved Faith with this test...It's all about soft silky skin and I needed a test subject. For an alternative to purchased body lotion grab a cup each of coconut oil, beeswax and cocoa butter and place into a heat-proof jar or jug. Place this in a saucepan of water and heat until melted together stirring along the way. When it's all melted and combined take off the heat and slowly stir in about twenty five to thirty drops of essential oils; I used vanilla for one batch then ylang ylang and geranium combined for the next simply because that's what we had at home. Pour the mix into molds, I used the silicone ones as that's what we had, and allow to cool. Keep in mind the *turns into liquid at 25C thing* so keep them in the refrigerator. From here they are ready to use. Mine came out a little like bars of soap I guess. When they were ready I got my ~~lab rat~~ wife Faith to come in for a test. She used them on the soles of her feet and general body areas (sometimes I helped apply it 😝) and the result was pretty cool...Soft and supple and it soaks right in. This one is a winner. **Tooth paste** - You will need about 85 grams of coconut oil plus the same of baking soda, twenty five drops or so of essential oil, peppermint works well, and about 12-15 grams of xylitol which is available at supermarkets and health food shops. Simply combine in a bowl and mix *really* well...Mix *really well* again, and then after that mix *really well*. Trust me on that, my first batch wasn't so good. Store in a small jar with a screw-top lid and away you go, you're ready to brush your choppers! I usually use Colgate Pro-Relief as my toothpaste and, I'll be honest, my coconut oil version wasn't as good, but in a situation where the former isn't available it'll work well and keep teeth clean. You could play around with essential oil flavours I guess, and the amount of xylitol, depending on what sweetness you require. **Cast iron pot seasoning** - For anyone who uses a cast iron pot for cooking you'll know how important it is to season it. I have a cast iron camp oven which I use to cook in the camp fire coals a lot and through not seasoning properly have had to replace them in the past; Basically, seasoning prevents rusting and provides an anti-stick element also. Liberally apply coconut oil to the pan or pot; I do the base and sides as well. *Don't do the outside y'all, just inside!* You don't need to rub it in too much, but make sure it's nice and evenly coated. Stick it into a cold oven and set for 180C (about 350F). The idea is to get the pot to the coconut oil's *smoke point* which will then bond the oil to the surface. *Science occurs*, a chemical reaction, which performs the magic. Cook for half an hour then turn the oven off, allow to cool and you're good to go. **Squeaky door hinges** - This is something that drives me bloody bonkers and I read somewhere that coconut oil does a good job at stopping it...And what do you know, it does! Simply rub some on the offending hinge and *work the door action* a few times. You may need to wipe off excess oil for a day or so but it works a treat! **Makeup remover** - Again here I employed the services of my ~~much suffering lab monkey~~ loving wife Faith as her womanly makeup-wearing face was required. Simply rub a small amount of coconut oil on the face to effectively remove makeup then wipe off the excess with one of those little cotton pads. Faith tried this for a few days and was happy with the result; She would use this method if required and it has the bonus of having a moisturising effect as well. *** We always have coconut oil in the house and every now and then make up some more coconut oil products with it. The next we're trying is a *coconut oil and coffee grounds hand scrub* - I got onto this one from a friend and have have a cunning plan to steal coffee grounds from the office coffee maker...Shh, tell no one! Would I choose to use coconut oil in place of traditional products? There's no reason why not; It works, is often cheaper (we only ever buy it on sale) and has a multitude of uses. It's a legit and perfect alternate product. So tell me, do you *get your coconut on?* Have you found uses for it that I'd like to know about? If not what about other products - What do you repurpose to provide better value or product alternatives...Comment below and let me know. *** Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - *Tomorrow isn't promised.* Be well Discord: galenkp#9209
Originally posted here:

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