Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My sons waiting for food

***How are you friends I hope you are well?*** **Jhalamuri** is a favorite of people of all ages. **Fuchka** food is a favorite of girls. We went to the local market to buy everyday products. My two sons went to the market with me. The only purpose of going to the market was to eat jhalmuri and Fuchka.


The shop you are looking at is very old. Has been doing this business for many years. His food is very tasty. Many people gather to eat this jhalmuri and Fuchka.


> The shop owner is busy making his food. On the other hand, my boys are sitting, when to eat their favorite food.


Maybe not everyone is healthy eating in this environment. But in this environment, the fun of eating jhalmuri and Fuchka is different. ♥♥♥ ♠♠♠ ♣♣♣ Stay well, stay healthy, stay safe. # God bless you Posted Using [LeoFinance Beta](https://leofinance.io/@realsort/my-sons-waiting-for-food)
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@realsort/my-sons-waiting-for-food

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