Saturday, December 19, 2020

Our body has everything to stay healthy
Hello community of **Natural Medicine**, a pleasure to be here again with a publication that is the result of a conversation I recently had with my wife, about a mutual friend who has an overweight problem, and who is determined to have bariatric surgery... The subject seems to be very common, and in fact it is, nowadays people want quick solutions to their problems*(and not only in health matters)*, I understand, going through the process of a diet is usually **a kind of torture**, especially for people who have had an unsuitable eating habit all their lives, full of sugars, sodas, sweets, in short, everything you need to stop eating in order to lose weight, but, **it's not just that**, we all know that even when we are within the normal weight range we should dedicate some minutes of the day to exercise, at least 3-4 times a week.


Photo from my personal album - Me in Surgery
For people who are overweight it is often difficult to exercise, they get tired faster, obviously, plus they are usually sedentary people, which makes exercising a little *(big)* torture too. I'm not exaggerating, it's like this.


Another condition that usually accompanies them is the fact of having a certain level of anxiety, by much their weight can make them uncomfortable and they can fight for years against overweight, with intermittent diets, that begin but soon they abandon, the same happens with exercise routines, then: # #### Is this whole situation solved by surgery? # The answer is very simple, **CLOSE NO**. The first thing, before undergoing any surgical process for this purpose, is to get in control with a psychologist who specializes in that area. **Why**, *does it mean that you have a psychological problem,*yes, of course. After years with a habit, it is difficult to stop it from one day to the next, **I am not saying that it is impossible,** but it is certainly very difficult, so first you have to undergo a process of changing your habits, and of course, ***everything starts with the mind.***


Friends, **we have in our body practically everything necessary to keep us healthy**, the first thing is to become aware of it, because it is known that surgery could be a quick solution for weight loss, however everything has its risks, and this *apparently innocuous* procedure always brings its effects both in the physical and mental. ***Can you imagine what would happen in the mind of these people who have surgery, see quick results and continue with their same habits?*** In a matter of months he would be overweight again, and what produces in his mind this shock and confrontation with reality could even lead him to a state of depression, which is another psychological illness that is often related to anxiety . I don't want to be pessimistic at all, but rather realistic. I know it's not an easy situation, but everything we do and don't do has its consequences, so it's better to work on ourselves, to create good eating and physical - and mental - exercise habits to keep us healthy... #### I'd like to know what you think about it, I'll be happy to read it in your comments. ---------- By the way, I bought some **tokens Lotus** and made a PowerUp.





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