Friday, December 11, 2020

"Balance your Diet for health" My Actifit Report Card: December 11 2020


Namaste 🙏 Dear friends today I will talk on diet, which will keep you fit and healthy. As I completed 6240 steps count and trying to increase more, hope you all are doing same. Friends some foods I am mentioning here which is great for our health. But diet is not common for all like body builder, gymnastics, sports player, martial art persons. I am mentioning here in general way for normal person.. Take Fruits, salads, high fiber grain, vegetables, proper water intake. Avoid milk Fat,refined oil, sugar, processed food Most important which we all know but I am mentioning here to again remember HAVE BREAKFAST LIKE A KING, TAKE LUNCH LIKE PRINCE, DINNER LIKE A BEGGAR. Than you health will be fit and fine always. Thanks for visiting Regards Idea-make-rich
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Jogging, Running, Walking, Yoga

Originally posted here:

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