Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Letter to Me in 2019 - A Prickly Year or not?



Hey there old gal, life was real good having spent a fabulous Christmas with the family and calling on close friends before the year ended. The house was filled with the *kids* and the girlfriend, your bnb brimful with holiday guests and you already had guests from your regular motoring companies booked for their training stints at the college nearby for mid-January. Life certainly was rosy, but things were about to change in a big bad way! My warning to you is *Proceed With Caution!* However, I would advise you not to postpone your dream Western Cape vacation with special friends early in March 2020. This will take you from the stupendous Overberg Mountain range to Cape Ogulhas on the tip of Africa, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet; and you will return home just before a harsh and draconian lockdown.


You with your rose-tinted spectacles, will be skeptical when your son warns you of something called the Coronavirus that he says will eventually affect almost every corner of the globe! Listen carefully to what he says; statements that will leave you quite perplexed but warning bells will start ringing as you know he is the most level headed kind of person, but one that does in-depth research into things of importance. Don't be surprised when he tells you: "Mom, I really did not think I would ever experience something like this in my lifetime!" And... "We may end up being forced to have a Skype Christmas in 2020." His first statement will become a reality and you will feel like you're in some Sci-Fi movie as you and your staff will eventually be dressed in kind of *space suits* with face masks, shields and gloves called PPE's as you will have to sanitize your bnb units between guest stay-overs.


Another bombshell will hit when the younger son announces that he's going to Russia on a working holiday in February. Knowing your imagination, you will have visions of him being arrested by the KGB and sent to Siberia should he put a foot wrong;) How wrong you would be on that one, as he would end up in something called lockdown over there and be taken in by a kind young Russian family where he will learn quite a bit about the culture of that vast and mysterious country. Hubby's going to be buying some face masks to slip into his luggage and both you and the son will shake your heads and roll your eyes, but beware, he will get to use those masks eventually; he will get back home with much difficulty on a repatriation flight!


A warning at this stage old girl; this word lockdown would become one of the most feared and hated words in the year ahead. Many would say that it's even worse than the Coronavirus that would end up killing over a million people worldwide before the clock strikes midnight on 31 December 2020. Lockdown will kill many big businesses as well, perhaps kill more people than the virus itself as its effect will not only be felt physically, with millions facing starvation, but the effects on mental health will be just as huge! As your bnb business is reliant on tourists, I will warn you about how tourism will be brought to its knees as travel bans get imposed worldwide; closing down and killing airlines, large hotel groups as well as resorts; the ripple effect will touch every sphere of business! Take heed old gal, your little bnb will also be forced to close its doors for three months and you know what that means! Don't let this warning stop your Cape holiday though, as those wonderful memories will be something to cling to during the difficult, very prickly year ahead. You will survive the financial drain with a little help from your Hive earnings, so thank you to all my Hive friends who have helped with this! When your country's draconian lockdown regulations are relaxed and your bnb opens up again, you will be busier than ever as accommodation bookings from your regular motoring companies will come flooding in as their apprentices need to be trained before the year ends, so rest while you can girl! Many lessons are going to be learned during the year 2020, that I can guarantee! You're going to learn to make do with what's in the pantry as you will be restricted with moving around, and that's going to be a valuable lesson. Visits to the doctor for every little ache and pain will lessen and you will start taking responsibility for your own health by making use of natural remedies, boosting you immune system and also start growing your own produce; thus becoming more self-sustainable. So it's not all doom and gloom! You will get to take another break on the lower South Coast of Kwazulu Natal just before the year-end holidays, with close family this time, and it's going to be a real special time; so close your eyes and just do it; no postponing! You will be fully booked for the Christmas holiday period and be totally exhausted and overwhelmed at times as you will let your staff go home to be with their families over this special period. Shall I say it again, rest while you can but make sure you stay fit and healthy! South Africa will not only experience its second Coronavirus wave at the height of festivities, but a variant of the SARS-COV-2 Virus - currently termed 501, will also rear its ugly head in your country. A very close friend will become infected, but he fortunately he is one that took charge of his health many years ago and this will stand him in good stead; his 59 year old sister in law however will not fare as well. A surprise visit from your son and girlfriend who you have not seen for the entire year, will be the highlight. He's been super careful and will stop you visiting shops and introduce you to the wonders of online grocery shopping; not only save you from crowded malls but also save you time and effort!


The president is going to address the nation again as infections will start spreading at an alarming rate. Lockdown restrictions will once again affect your little business and tourism at large, as most of the beaches of Kwazulu Natal will be closed, including other provinces in SA. Two holiday booking cancellations will follow! I think your bnb will survive as one guest will extend her stay and this should help see you through to the next season of guests from the motoring companies; that is if lockdown regulations are not tightened up again; holding thumbs for you and everyone else in your beautiful country! Stay strong my girl and never let those rose-tinted spectacles become clouded; it will just be another season along life's pathway; it too will pass! Much love from me.

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A letter to me in 2019 is a challenge inspired by @livinguktaiwan. Check her post [Here](https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@livinguktaiwan/a-letter-to-me-in-2019) for more information. This has been my *Letter to Me in 2019*. I'm going to tag a few of my friends so you can send a letter to your Me in 2019. Tag some of your friends and use the #mein2019 tag. @fionasfavourites @ericvancewalton @papilloncharity @dandays

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Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-124452/@lizelle/a-letter-to-me-in-2019-a-prickly-year-or-not

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