Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why drinking pure water is beneficial for health?
We have read in textbooks since childhood, health is the root of all happiness. And now we can feel it. If we are not in good health, will we be happy? Certainly not. If our body is not good, then nothing can be good. So we have to follow many rules to keep the body healthy at all times. Which is very necessary to maintain health. Another name for water is life. Again, I think water is another name for death. Because arsenic-contaminated water and unclean water are very harmful to our health. Impure water helps various diseases to settle in our body. So we need to drink pure water for good health.


[image source]( We should drink at least six to seven glasses of pure water every day to stay healthy.Although I'm not a doctor. However, this is the doctor's advice given to me. I had a urinary problem last year. I used to urinate frequently and felt some pain in the back side. Then I went to a urologist. He told me to drink 6 to 7 glasses of pure water every day. He told me why not do any work! Try to drink more water. He then pulled out a water bottle from inside his desk and told me to look at it. I see a lot of patients every day. Even then I drink water from this bottle after a while.


[image source]( He said that one should drink more and more water regularly to keep the kidneys healthy. Insufficient water can cause kidney stones, he added. Moreover, various problems may occur.Moreover, if you drink pure water, you can stay free from constipation. Moreover we should drink water to digest food.Because, if we drink water regularly, our salivary glands do not dry out so food is easily digested. Water keeps the face, nose and eyes wet, which protects these organs from damage at different times. We all know that two-thirds of our body is water. Lack of drinking water can cause many problems. Drinking water quenches thirst as well as dehydration of the body. As a result, physical fatigue is removed and energy is restored. So we should all drink more pure water every day to eliminate dehydration in the body.We will drink more and more pure water and stay healthy. Thanks everyone To read my post. If it is good, then you must cooperate with the upvote. If there is any mistake, then cooperate with the comments with various suggestions. # Thanks For Your reading and visiting @kawsar8035


*I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.* [Follow Me On Twitter]( [Add Me On Facebook](
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