Saturday, December 12, 2020

Healthy Pleasure Breakfast - Reward Day
Investing in an Air Fryer is one of the best things you could do with your money. It gives return not in monetary value, but in health and wellness. I could write a whole post on the topic of Air fryer. But lets leave it for some other day. Friday, which was yesterday is usually my reward day. I call it reward day and not cheat/junk day for obvious reasons. Cheat/Junk day is the time people take the word of the day serious to the brim. They hog on unhealthy fats and carbs. Such as cheese pizza's, double meat burgers, drinks containing sugars beyond imagination like a galaxy milkshake. Taking in so many calories which are enough for a human to survive for a month. When you consider your cheat day literally as your cheat day, the above is what happens. Rename your cheat day to rewards day. The day you reward yourself and not cheat yourself or make your body a trash after a weeks discipline. Even if you want to enjoy some junk food. Optimize it in order for it to be rewarding. **My Breakfast Yesterday**


Air Fried French Fries wrapped in wheat parotta garnished with lite(low fat) mayonnaise and green chili siracha sauce. Served with English tea without sugar. Note: Not one drop oil used for air frying.


Now compare this French fries roll with it's traditional form. In which the french fires are fired in oil and wrapped inorganic flour wrap and garnished with full fat mayo and commercial use sauces. Which do you think is Healthier my version or the traditional version? Which do you think has more calories? Hope the answer is obvious. Don't punish your body in the name of cheat day. Rename it to reward day. Reward your body for a weeks long discipline and determination. Not only breakfast but lunch & dinner can also be optimized for the reward day. Do present your thoughts in the comments. Thank You for Reading. Have a blessed day. Cheers! @mrsahil99
Originally posted here:

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