Monday, December 7, 2020

Grow your own freedom gardens
During world war 2, when the world was last in a crisis much like the current one, life was tough. Productivity was limited and food was rationed. It was survival as best you could. The British government developed an advertising campaign calling upon all citizens to grow their own food, if possible. Well, the same urgency is upon us today.


My friend in her garden nearby Back then the campaign called them “victory gardens”. Today I am calling them freedom gardens. We have been forced into a situation where our freedom is being taken away form us due to labelling a flu as a pandemic, despite mortality rates being average. Add to that the curfews and limitation on movement or travel, and you have a wartime scenario, in my opinion. And at times like this, when food shortages are starting to emerge around the world, we need to become more serious about growing our own food at home. If we can’t travel freely any more, or simply walk about our own native homeland as we used to, then it helps to keep the focus at home, while under house arrest.


Who knows what the WHO will bring or the NWO or the WEF in the coming year of 2021? It may be worse that 2020. Indeed the cure of lockdown and masks especially, is more deadly than the disease or pandemic. Did you know that in 1918, during the so-called Spanish Flu, which actually originated in USA, more people died of pneumonia CAUSED BY MASK WEARING than from the flu. And the same situation is with us today. You will get more sick from your mask. The facts are there if you want to DYOR. I have done mine. Dr Fauci – the Dr Frankenstein of today – even wrote a paper on how the mask killed more people than the Spanish flu itself. Yet he and WHOever are calling for masks. It’s a crime against humanity. Know your history.


So I refuse to wear the mask, based on data, stats and common sense, since it does nothing to stop contagion or spreading of a virus. I speak based on medical information, not rumor. Yet here we sit under this false narrative, so while under house arrest, it becomes crucial to grow your own garden of fresh vegetable if at all possible. And that is if you are allowed to grow your own food. Some Fascist states are apparently discouraging you from having a food garden. The sinister agenda is to is to disempower you while empowering big business. Well those with common sense know that the government is not there to help you and does not have your best interests at heart. Certainly not in my part of the world, and by the looks of the rest of the world, neither does your government. So I recommend growing your own food as much as possible. Remember the old ways. Soon it will be AI and robots and hybrid humans, so most wisdom will be lost at this rate and you will all be automatons. I will be out of here by then, either in the hills far from the madding crowd, or dead. But for the sake of the future generations, I recommend reviving your old ways, using the timing of the lunar cycles and the seasons. Work in harmony with nature, not against it. If you want to have a genuine and healthy life, then the natural ways are best. This freak show on planet earth just got a whole lot weirder, and they haven’t even issued the DNA destroying vaccine yet. Either you grow your own vegetable or you become the vegetable, by accepting the mainstream narrative or the GMO fake food coming out of the industrial system today. Use your last vestiges of freedom and make the healthy choices. I have made mine. (photos my own)
Originally posted here:

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