Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Reflection on Trikonasana


One of the few postures that works on all meridians of the body. It tones the muscles of the legs, removes stiffness of the legs and hips, corrects anatomic misalignments, strengthens the ankles and relieves backache and neck pain. Standing with legs wide apart, reach through the inner hips side ways. Exhale, reach your right arm and hand forward, find lateral extension of the upper body then rest the hand on a brick or leg. Inhale reach your left arm up. Tip for anxiety: keep your gaze down towards the floor. Tip for depression: open up the chest and armpit by taking your left arm sightly backwards and gaze your left hand. Suitable to any stage of the menstrual cycle, awesome when practiced from a few days after your bleed all the way to your next bleed. Suitable for 2 and 3 trimester of a healthy pregnancy, make the most use of props. Welcome to all experiencing menopause with mild to no symptoms. ~Love, Light and Blessings

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Originally posted here:

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